Vaccine Free Child Eats No Problem But Vaccinated Child Had Eating Issues

Vaccine Free Eats No Problem But Vaccinated Had Eating Issues I have two children ages 5 and 1.5 at present. My first baby was vaxxed until 6 months because I didn’t know better. I’ve heard of dangers of vaccines before but I thought only some vaccines should be avoided. The idea of going completely vaccine free was way too radical at that time. I also did not have any information and I could be easily pressured into vaccinating by our pediatrician (whom I don’t blame, their job kind of implies pro-vaccination stance). My second baby is completely vaccine free from birth, he hasn’t even gotten vitamin K shot or eye ointment at the hospital. Both of them were exclusively breastfed…

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Big Differences In Two Children Vaccinated and Less Vaccinated

I have 2 children: one is 6 years and she was fully vaccinated up until 4 years old and my other is 2 years old and she was vaccinated until 2 months old. With my 6 year old I notice she has had several ear infections. She has eczema. She also has asthma. She is very hyper active like any other 6 year old but she is definitely very different from my 2 year old. She was hitting her milestones at the right place. In school she has learning problems. She gets distracted very easily. With my 2 year old she has had only a few mild colds. No ear infections. No issues what so ever. She is very laid…

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A Picture Of Health: 2 Healthy, Totally Unvaccinated Children

A Picture Of Health: 2 Healthy, Totally Unvaccinated Children I have 2 grown daughters who are totally unvaccinated. Their older brother got one MMR and one other shot. My son has dyslexia and had asthma a few times until we stopped giving him processed meat. My kids grew up without allergies, ear infections, runny noses, etc. They never went to a doctor. They never needed one. They were NEVER on any kind of medication. One daughter got the flu in high school and my son was sick once that I can remember, but other than that they were always healthy. They got the chicken pox but it didn’t make them sick. They did well in college and now live in…

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Newborn Dies of Sepsis 2 Months After Vitamin K Shot

Alexis Murphy’s tragic loss of her 4th child in January 2019 – just a couple of months after his Vitamin K shot – has her searching for answers and truth. She is awaiting the autopsy report results and has consulted with an attorney in her pursuit for justice for baby Zane. Read in Alexis’s own words her account of the events leading up to Zane’s death with additional details in the Q&A that follows. Alexis: Zane Elijah Murphy was born 2 weeks early. He was due November 18th, but instead he came early November 5th. He weighed 7 lbs. and 13 oz. No complications with labor and delivery. I also had no complications while carrying him. He was the easiest…

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Here’s How Vaccine Pseudoscience Destroys Our Children

We Are Our Children’s Last Line Of Defense By Dr. Jim Meehan, MD You cannot be pro-science and be pro-vaccine. Vaccine science is pseudoscience. Vaccine science is tobacco science 2.0. Vaccine science is full of fraud, corruption, and deception. The industries, agencies, and people that promote vaccine pseudoscience as justification for unjustifiable subversion of human rights must confront the reality that they have gone too far. Their desperate attempts to coerce and mandate vaccines betrays the illegitimacy of their science. Time to bring an end to this intolerable attempt to have their way with our children. It is time to form the line across which they will not pass. We are our children’s last line of defense. I became an…

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An MD Defends Vaccine Exemptions In CO Only To Witness Corruption, Betrayal & Entitlement

A Ringside View of Vaccine Exemption Law Hearings in Colorado by Shelley O’Neill, MD This was my first time attending a legislative committee hearing and boy did I pick a doozy. The bill being heard was Colorado HB 1312, which essentially plans to treat vaccine injured families who now want to decline even one shot, as ignorant criminals that need to be entered into a registry and tracked, forced into in-person meetings with state bureaucrats to be “educated” and forced into compelled speech by signing a form stating they are harming their child. People who decline one or more of of the 72 required doses, would have their private medical information revealed to the state but those who accept all…

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Help STOP Senator Pan’s Plans To End Medical Exemptions In California!!! No On SB276!!! Act Today!!!

Help STOP Senator Pan’s Plans To End Medical Exemptions In California!!! No On SB276!!! Act Today!!! This bill will effectively END all past, current and future medical exemptions as we currently know them in California. Here is what you need to do TODAY! Repost from Parents United 4 Kids A Thing a Day – March 27, 2019 Ok, California, time to get busy! Senator Pan has introduced the bill we have all been expecting. SB276, a bill to restrict medical exemptions in California, has gone live and Assemblything Lorena G, Senator Scott Wiener and Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar Curry appear to be the first to support Pan’s monstrosity (although no one is officially listed as coauthor/sponsor yet). What the bill does:…

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Autism Diagnosis After Flu Vaccine Sparks Mom’s Research and Recovery Efforts

Autism Diagnosis After Flu Vaccine Sparks Mom’s Research and Recovery Efforts   Joni Beth Waldroup witnessed her youngest daughter, Rosie, suffer a significant decline in health after she received typical childhood vaccines, and then a more dramatic decline after a flu shot. Rosie would later be diagnosed with autism. On March 5th, 2019 Joni posted to her social media the pain of needing to defend her decision not to vaccinate which we share below, and then we have a Q&A with her where she gives more details about the vaccine/autism connection in her daughter. Joni’s daughter’s autism story was originally published in April 2016 by her local paper when Rosie was 23 months old during Autism Awareness Month and that…

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Mom Asks Why Her 6 Month Old Infant Died After Getting 6 Vaccines

Mom Asks Why Her 6 Month Old Infant Died After Getting 6 Vaccines February 18, 2021 Update: Catie is suing NBC News for libel and defamation! Donate here! CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO CATIE’S PRIVATE AUTOPSY. She is going to “Vaccine Court.” On March 1, 2019, Catie Clobes tragically lost her six and half month old daughter, Evee, a day and a half after receiving six vaccines at her six month doctor’s visit. Like many parents who experience a devastating unexpected loss of their healthy infant, Catie reached out in our Stop Mandatory Vaccination FaceBook group in search of answers on adverse complications post vaccination. Catie shares her heartbreaking pain in her story below with additional details in the Q&A…

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Get These Vaccine Books & DVDs Before Amazon Bans Them!

Get These Vaccine Books & DVDs Before Amazon Bans Them!   On March 1, 2019, Congressman Adam Schiff (CA) sent a letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to essentially demand that Amazon pull all vaccine skeptic information off of its platform. Astonishingly, within just mere hours of the public release of the letter, streaming Amazon Prime videos such as Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe became unavailable, as reported by CNN, The Hill and other news outlets. I cannot think of a more profound example of an abuse of power by an elected official than a call for the censorship of information – this is a direct threat to our fundamental rights of freedom of speech as protected by the 1st Amendment…

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A Letter to All Parents About Mandatory Vaccination

I don’t know who you are, where you live or what your stance is on vaccination. We may disagree on politics, religion, or philosophical ideals. But one thing I know we agree on. We are all vitally concerned with protecting our children and our families. I can assure you, without even knowing you that I care about the well-being of your children because despite all of our many potential differences, I am also a parent. We have experienced the shared fear that having a child brings. Worry about illness, concerns about how to raise them to be good, strong, healthy kids, uncertainty over how much they should be watching TV or using cellphones; and how you know, without a moment’s…

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Video: Parents Share Stories Of Vaccine Injury and Death

Video: Parents Share Stories Of Vaccine Injury and Death Do you have questions about vaccination? Join our Facebook Group and ask! Transcript When my daughter was two months old, she got five different vaccines at her appointment, and then she died four days later. Our daughter, Elizabeth, at just under 18 months of age, went in for her well baby checkup. She had six vaccinations that day, and she immediately experienced profound brain injury, brain damage, and encephalopathy. Hello. My name is Melissa Gerard. When my son was one, he received six vaccines at once, totaling 11 doses of vaccines in that one visit. When we got home, he developed a really high fever and was screaming and arching his…

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DTaP Vaccine Causes Brain Damage in Ten Month Old After 12 Hours

DTaP Vaccine Causes Brain Damage in Ten Month Old After 12 Hours   Vaccine injuries are not rare, no matter how much mainstream media and the pharmaceutical companies want to lead us to believe. What is rare, however, is when doctors fully admit when a vaccine injury occurs and they inform the mother her child was seriously injured as a result of vaccines. Amanda Mickelson found herself in this position when her daughter, Riley, suffered brain damage from the DTaP (Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis) vaccine within 12 hours of injection. Except, Amanda was in disbelief and initial denial when the doctors concluded that the vaccine caused Riley’s brain damage. This life-changing situation resulted in Amanda’s deeper quest for answers about…

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Your Child’s Fever Is An Essential Immune Response To Leave Alone

Your Child’s Fever Is An Essential Immune Response To Leave Alone   If your child gets a fever, don’t panic and don’t lower it! Dr. Judith Thompson, ND shares why your child’s immune system produces a fever to kill pathogens which then speeds up healing and why artificially lowering it reduces your child’s immune efficiency. This is a must watch video for every parent who gets concerned about their child’s fever. Want even more vaccine free natural remedy guidance? Get The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers right here. AUTHORS Dr. Judith Thompson, ND Dr. Eli Camp, ND TRANSCRIPT So your child has a fever. First thing to do, don’t panic. Don’t be scared. Calm down, right?…

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How to Have the Crucial Conversation About Vaccines

How to Have the Crucial Conversation About Vaccines One of the biggest challenges we face is how to talk about vaccination with the people around us. Whether it is your family, a close friend or just a neighbor that you would like to help, vaccination is an emotionally charged, divisive, and complicated topic. Under these set of circumstances, it becomes challenging to have open and fruitful discourse that doesn’t degenerate into angry outbursts, upsetting interactions, and damaged relationships. In order to spread knowledge and awareness about the risks and dangers of vaccines, we need to utilize a conversational toolbox to overcome emotional and fear-based roadblocks. We do this by learning the skills of having a crucial conversation: communication that occurs…

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Over 2,000 Descend On WA State Capitol To Challenge Vaccine Mandate Bills

Over 2,000 Descend On WA State Capitol To Challenge Vaccine Mandate Bills   The Washington State Capitol in Olympia on Friday, February 8, 2019, was filled and buzzing with thousands of concerned citizens and families who drove in from all over the state to attend a public hearing for House Bill 1638, titled, “Promoting immunity against vaccine preventable diseases.” Woven within this misleading bill title is a clause that strives to remove the philosophical/personal exemptions to the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine for children who attend both public and private schools and licensed daycares. Early lines at the Capitol started at 5:00 a.m. as eager parents and vaccine choice advocates braved the freezing temperatures and biting cold – even with predicted…

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Here’s Why To Be Very Afraid Of The MMR Vaccine But Not The Measles

Here’s Why To Be Very Afraid Of The MMR Vaccine But Not The Measles   It has taken over global media. Everywhere you look, headlines scream about “A Measles Epidemic!” As of January 31, 2019 there have been 79 confirmed measles cases in ten states (measles cases). And yet, the CDC does not list any states as having a measles epidemic as per the “Current Outbreak List” (CDC outbreaks). Despite that, a number of states have begun to take action to follow in California’s restrictive steps of banning personal and religious exemptions. So what are you to think and who are you to believe? In order to avoid a fear-based response, the first step is to learn some facts so…

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Here’s The Good News About Getting The Measles: Lifelong Immunity

Here’s The Good News About Getting The Measles: Lifelong Immunity   Don’t Fear The MEASLES! In the above video, Dr. Judith Thompson, ND and Dr. Eli Camp, ND explain why NATURAL IMMUNITY is superior to vaccination and that there are safe, highly effective natural treatments for measles. Get their book The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers and be empowered instead of fearful. If you are concerned about the MMR vaccine or vaccination in general, get their book and join our Stop Mandatory Vaccination Facebook Group to ask questions about going vaccine free. If you live in WASHINGTON STATE and want to OPPOSE current proposed legislation to end vaccine exemptions, get in touch with Informed Choice Washington. If…

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MD Gives Terse Reply To NY Times Hit Piece On “Anti-Vaxxers”

MD Gives Terse Reply To NY Times Hit Piece On “Anti-Vaxxers”   By Dr. Richard Moskowitz, MD Author of Vaccines: a Reappraisal (a must-read!) Before responding to the editorial, “How to Inoculate against Anti-Vaxxers” (January 20, 2019), I want to point out that the opposite term, “Pro-vaxxer,” is rarely seen or heard, as if belief in the safety and efficacy of vaccines were so universal and such a no-brainer that there would be no need to coin a word to single it out, much less imply that the naysayers might also have a valid point of view. This subtext is evident throughout the editorial in question, which merely accepts as gospel the authority of the World Health Organization on the…

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Confident Mom Tells Hospital Doctor NO HepB Vaccine After Birth Of Twins

Confident Mom Tells Hospital Doctor NO HepB Vaccine After Birth Of Twins   Jaime Cromer, an informed mother, researched, and then knew her infant twin daughters did not need to be injected with the Hepatitis B vaccine at birth. She knew it was unnecessary — she did not have hepatitis. If the mom of an unborn child does not have hepatitis B, she cannot pass it in vitro or to her newborn. Yet this vaccine is pushed across hospitals to most newborns and again between one and two months old, and again, between six and 15 months. According to the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP), the Hepatitis B vaccine is currently “recommended regardless of the infection status of the mother.” However, less than one…

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