Free eBook: Treat and Cure Ear Infections with Supplements, Natural Medicine, Diet Changes and Natural Health

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Treat and Cure Ear Infections with Supplements, Natural Medicine, Diet Changes and Natural Health


By Larry Cook & Dr. Weintraub, ND
This informative 14-page eBook is a very in-depth overview of how and why children develop ear infections and what you can do to implement an ear infection treatment program. Major topics include:

  • Medical definitions of ear infections
  • Conventional treatments, that don’t really help
  • Ear infection symptoms
  • Ear infection causes
    • A compromised immune system
    • Low humidity
    • Bottle feeding
    • Hyper-active immune system
    • Low blood sugar
    • Magnesium deficiency
    • Second-hand smoke
    • Exposure to cold
    • Excess mucus production
    • The diet connection to excess mucus
    • The problem with antibiotics
    • Some dietary oils increase mucus secretion
    • Too many carbohydrates
    • Food allergies cause excess mucus
    • Why proper bowel function s important
    • The acid/alkaline balance
  • Ear infection treatment
    • Eat foods for health
    • Other diet recommendations
    • Digestive enzymes
    • Breast feed
    • Adopt a natural living lifestyle
    • Additional recommendations
      • Over a dozen natural remedies explained

The eBook is 100% free. Click the following link to download it to your computer:


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~ Larry Cook


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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook