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My goal is to raise public awareness about the dangers of vaccines, why we don’t need vaccines, and to be a resource for all others who are fighting vaccine mandates. This website has a wealth of information on it, including parent stories, interviews with doctors, videos, links to outside resources, books to read, links to other groups fighting vaccine mandates, and a lot more. As we continue to push this information into social media and other channels of distribution we win more people over to our side and grow our army of parents and others willing to do the work needed to educate legislators, educate the media, educate parents and educate society why we must stop vaccine mandates. Your financial contribution helps me to continue to do this work.

Donations are NOT tax deductible. 

Larry Cook
Founder of Stop Mandatory Vaccination


Donate to Larry Cook



You can also mail me a check. Mail to:
Larry Cook
12405 Venice Blvd # 195
Los Angeles, CA 90066-3803


  1. Thank you for advocating for true health.

  2. I am in fear for my grandchildren and society as a whole. It seems true health and wellness have been replaced for greed and corruption. Not testing the dangers of these vaccinations more in depth is so dangerous to us all. Need more science on this mattrr

    • Yes, agreed.

    • I am a registered nurse…and a grandmother…I, and many others in the health care profession oppose mandatory vaccinations. I, as have others, have witnessed adverse vaccine reactions. We are urged to receive annual flu immunizations or wear a mask while caring for patients. Think about this, why do you see so many health care professionals wearing masks during flu season. Answer, we are concerned about the adverse reactions of vaccines.

  3. Join us here:

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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook