Healthy Infant Dies Of “SIDS” Within 48 Hours Of 8 Vaccines

Healthy Infant Dies Of “SIDS” Within 48 Hours Of 8 Vaccines   Anne Bliss was not informed by her doctor of the risks, including potential for death, of the eight vaccines at once her healthy infant, Bear, would be injected with at two months old. Nor was she expecting her baby would die less than 48 hours after his vaccines. To make it worse, after Anne’s infant died, she was told it was a “coincidence” and waited four months for a “SIDS” (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) ruling. When she pressed for further answers, they had none. Read in Anne’s own words her heart-crushing experience about her son’s death. In the Q&A to follow, Anne shares about her decision not to vaccinate…

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6 Days After 8 Vaccines “SIDS” Claims The Life Of Another Healthy Infant

6 Days After 8 Vaccines “SIDS” Claims The Life Of Another Healthy Infant CLICK HERE TO DONATE to help pay for the independent autopsy that could prove vaccines killed her child. Raja-Nee Keys awoke to the worst nightmare a mother can imagine: finding her two and a half month old baby boy lifeless six days after he was vaccinated. When the doctors and coroners cannot explain why a healthy baby dies, they label it “SIDS” (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) – and halt the investigation there in most cases. Except we all know that perfectly healthy infants do not just suddenly die of a “mysterious” reason following vaccination. Raja-Nee is a new member of the Stop Mandatory Vaccination FaceBook group and she…

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Argentina Creates Mandatory Vaccination Law For Passport, ID, Driver’s License, School & More

Argentina Creates Mandatory Vaccination Law For Passport, ID, Driver’s License, School & More   This article is GOOGLE TRANSLATED from this story. In order to renew the DNI, passport and registration, the complete vaccination card must be presented. The Senate approved on Wednesday a law that establishes the obligatory nature and free of vaccination against preventable diseases for all the inhabitants of the country, and stipulates that the complete vaccination card will be required at the time of processing the DNI, passport and driving record , among others. The project was promoted by the Tucuman deputy Pablo Yedlin (Front Justicialista by Tucumán), and will replace the law 22,909, which is in force since 1983. So far, the mandatory vaccination applies…

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Court Awards $137,500 After 8 Vaccines Kills Infant In Just 12 Hours

Court Awards $137,500 After 8 Vaccines Kills Infant In Just 12 Hours   Kara Krause tragically lost her baby girl, Peyton, 12 hours after being injected with eight vaccines in 2008. Through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) and Special Master’s “Vaccine” Court, it was proven the DTaP, Hib, Hepatitis B, PCV, IPV, and Rotavirus vaccines killed her daughter. Kara describes her darling daughter, “She was a normal, happy, healthy baby. I still hear her little sounds so clearly. She was my first true love.” Kara discloses her painful story below to educate others before they make a decision to vaccinate: “I’m hoping it will at least reach someone allowing them to do their own research and not rely on doctors alone.”…

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After Baby Gets 11 Vaccines He Regresses Into Autism, Seizures and Brain Damage

After Baby Gets 11 Vaccines He Regresses Into Autism, Seizures and Brain Damage   An unsuspecting mother, Mel Kathleen, trusted her son’s doctor when he administered eleven vaccines at the “well-child” visit in July 2015. What she was left with was a vaccine-injured child to care for and recover at her own expense. Like so many parents, her vaccine research began after her son’s vaccine injury and brain damage. Mel wrote an honest negative review on her doctor office’s FaceBook page, only to be blocked. What recourse and accountability do doctors and nurses have when they vaccinate children and their actions result in vaccine injuries, chronic health issues, and even death? Spoiler alert: NONE. Mel’s genuine review of her child’s doctor’s office…

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50 Year Old Woman Dies Within 48 Hours After Receiving 8 Vaccines

50 Year Old Woman Dies Within 48 Hours After Receiving 8 Vaccines   We commonly hear of parents who lose their infant or young child to adverse vaccine reactions and death. Adults are also being damaged and killed by vaccines. In this heart-breaking case, Connie Paul recently suffered the loss of her 50 year old daughter, Denise Mullen, because of the vaccines she was required to get for her new job, including the flu shot. What’s also alarming is her daughter, Denise, posted an ominous warning message on Facebook alerting others of the flu vaccine just an hour before her death. Connie describes her daughter’s devastating story and tragic outcome that occurred 48 hours after receiving eight vaccines. Connie: My daughter, Denise…

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30 Years Ago Same Age Infants Die At The Same Time After Vaccination

30 Years Ago Same Age Infants Die At The Same Time After Vaccination   Even after 30 years, the pain of tragically losing a child following vaccines does not subside, nor does the heartache stop. Cynthia Best vividly reflects upon the loss of her infant daughter from vaccination from three decades ago, while she was living overseas when her husband was in the US Army. Cynthia: In 1988, we were stationed in Munchwieler Germany, a very small province. It was a small base near a larger one in Pirmasens near the French border. My husband was in the Army and our doctors were military. We were living in a small community, so everyone knew everyone. Our baby, Kristina, recently had her shots, the…

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Hospital Kills Vaccine Free Child and Parents Found Guilty For The Death!

  Hospital kills vaccine free child and parents found guilty for the death! Posted by David Stephan on Sunday, October 21, 2018   Hospital Kills Vaccine Free Child and Parents Found Guilty For The Death!   By David Stephen Over the past 15 years, David Stephan have been actively involved in the field of natural medicine through the organization of Truehope, which largely focuses on restoring mental health. As part of his involvement with Truehope, David has found himself at the forefront of many activist movements that has prevented Health Canada and the pharmaceutical industry from stripping Canadians rights to effective, scientifically validated natural treatments that fall outside of the mainstream allopathic model. After the tragic passing of his son,…

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Healthy 14 Week Old Infant Gets 8 Vaccines and Dies Within 24 Hours

Healthy 14 Week Old Infant Gets 8 Vaccines and Dies Within 24 Hours   Matthew and Angeline Le Grange of South Africa recently lost their youngest son, Malakai, to eight vaccines on September 22nd, 2018. He was only three and a half months old. Malakai was a vibrant, happy, and healthy baby boy leading up to his 14 week doctor’s appointment. Within a day of receiving his last round of vaccines at this doctor’s visit, he died. No family should ever have to bury their child as an outcome of the destructive path of vaccination. Vaccine death stories from shattered families worldwide continue to be expressed, shared, and shouted from every corner of the world, and we have over a dozen…

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TDaP Vaccination Causes Immediate and Traumatic Stillbirth At 28 Weeks Pregnant

TDaP Vaccination Causes Immediate and Traumatic Stillbirth At 28 Weeks Pregnant   Tara Ortiz had a healthy, normal, first pregnancy with absolutely no complications or issues up until the 28 week mark when her doctor recommended a flu vaccine and the TDaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Acellular Pertussis) vaccine. Even on the TDaP’s first page of the package insert it states, “Safety and effectiveness have not been established in pregnant women.” The CDC released a 2017 study that shows there’s a 7.7 times increased risk of miscarriage following the flu vaccine. Yet, vaccines are administered, recommended, and even pushed during pregnancy – despite the prevalence of fetal death. Tara declined the flu shot at her 28 week prenatal appointment, but was unaware of the TDaP’s risks…

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6 Month Old Gets 7 Vaccines And Dies Two Days Later From “SIDS”

6 Month Old Gets 7 Vaccines And Dies Two Days Later From “SIDS”   We are nearing a tipping point, a cascading avalanche of undeniable truth, and the harsh bitter reality that infants are regularly killed by vaccines. This is not a myth, an exaggeration, or a magical glitter-filled unicorn fairytale that exists in some other alternate universe. This is happening now, in the town or city you live in, and you probably already know someone with either a vaccine-injured or dead child — and it may be you. Every day someone is suffering the immeasurable loss of a child or knows of one that died after vaccination. Julia Anne is that mother, the one that experiences such grief and…

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Infant Dies 4 Days After 5 Vaccines and 14 Years Later Mother Speaks Out

Infant Dies 4 Days After 5 Vaccines and 14 Years Later Mother Speaks Out   Gracie was a healthy, joyful infant with no known medical issues prior to her two month old vaccines. After the administration of Gracie’s two month vaccines, her mother describes, “she was fussy, but there was nothing out of the “norm” that I could remember, until she woke up screaming like she was in pain in the middle of the night that last time.” Four days after Gracie received her two month shots – DTaP, HIB, IPV, Hep B and PCV – she died of cardiopulmonary arrest and cerebral edema. September 26th, 2018 marks the 14 year anniversary of Nichol Willow’s daughter Gracie’s death. This day won’t be remembered…

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“SIDS” Takes Infant’s Life Just 14 Hours After Vaccination

“SIDS” Takes Infant’s Life Just 14 Hours After Vaccination Infants who die directly following their vaccines is not a new trend; heartbreaking stories like the one to follow from Raina Day-Cruise have occurred since the inception of vaccines. Raina is an Australian mother of four, including Zyron, who was born eight weeks premature and died within 14 hours of his two month old vaccines. The cause of his death was listed as SIDS, but her motherly instincts first believed it was the vaccines — until the doctors and nurses ignored and dismissed Raina. Last year, in 2017, Raina discovered the vaccines caused her son’s death and that’s when she began to weave the pieces together and further investigate vaccines. Raina vulnerably shares her…

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Pinterest Removes Anti-Vaccine & Vaccine Awareness Boards

Pinterest Removes Anti-Vaccine & Vaccine Awareness Boards   Pinterest, a web and mobile social media platform that offers users an outlet to “pin” a variety of image and video based content to boards (collection of pins), has come under fire for removing users’ boards on vaccine injury, anti-vaccine, and vaccine risk awareness content. As of September 2017, Pinterest has an estimated 200 million monthly active users, about 60% are women. Pinterest is a privately held company owned by three partners, one of which, the founder and CEO, Ben Silbermann, attended Yale and studied medicine and political science. Does ownership and funding influence allowable content on Pinterest? What about free speech and our constitutional rights? Does free speech and freedom of…

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VIDEO: These Parents Researched and Will Never Vaccinate Their Healthy, Vibrant Children

VIDEO: These Parents Researched and Will Never Vaccinate Their Healthy, Vibrant Children   In this compelling video these parents share how and why they choose not to vaccinate their children, starting with their Hepatitis B vaccine research findings and then moving into other aspects of vaccination that caused them to question both the safety and efficacy of vaccination. They share in detail how bright, healthy and strong their toddler is and why being vaccine free is the best choice for him, and also their 9-week-old newborn. If you have questions about vaccine safety, vaccine efficacy, vaccine injury or why natural immunity is far superior to vaccination, watch this video and check out the resources below. If you could only purchase…

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Homeoprophylaxis Is A Safe and Effective Alternative To Toxic Vaccination

Homeoprophylaxis Is A Safe and Effective Alternative To Toxic Vaccination   DOWNLOAD and READ Dr. Isaac’s eBook on HP eBOOK by DrIsaacGoldenHp In celebration of International Homeoprophylaxis Awareness Week, August 5-11, 2018, we’re honoring homeopathy and its global efforts to provide a gentle, safe, and non-toxic alternative to the wrath, wreckage, and multilayered neurological and developmental damage vaccines cause to the nervous, cellular, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and immune systems. Other than embodying a vaccine-free lifestyle for optimal health, if you seek a 100% safe, non-toxic, non-injected, and a “vaccine” alternative to the dangerous, chemically-ridden, unsafe, and largely ineffective pharmaceutical vaccine risky products – read on. You click here to read how Homeopathy was deliberately destroyed in the early 1900s to…

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Brave Mom Exposes Vaccine Corruption To WA Board of Health

Brave Mom Exposes Vaccine Corruption To WA Board of Health Bernadette Pajer of Informed Choice Washington gave the WA Board of Health a lashing for its complicity in the vaccine industry’s plan to force vaccinate every man, woman and child on this planet. This is a MUST WATCH VIDEO!!! And, please share! TRANSCRIPT We, the parents and doctors and professionals of Informed Choice Washington have been attempting to bring the latest science on vaccines and discoveries about the human immune system to the various public health agencies of Washington State, especially to the Department of Health. In doing so, we thought we would be beginning a genuine discussion that would lead to change that would align vaccination policy with known…

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MMR Vaccine Causes Loss Of Speech & Appetite, Horrendous Seizures and Then Her Death

MMR Vaccine Causes Loss Of Speech & Appetite, Horrendous Seizures and Then Her Death   This is a heartbreaking story from an Australian mom, Rajni Sharma, who pieced together and traced the timeline of her young daughter’s death to her 18 month old measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination. Ranji shares her painful experience and her only child’s tragic story. She hopes the life of her baby girl will help someone out there make an informed decision. Rajni: My beautiful daughter lived every day of her little life to the fullest before she got her 18 month old MMR vaccine. Alina “Ali” was born on May 12, 2016, full term, healthy, and a happy little bundle of love and life. Ali…

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After Vaccines Destroy Her Children: “My children will never see another vaccine!!”

After Vaccines Destroy Her Children: “My children will never see another vaccine!!”   Shauna Marie, a mom of three, abruptly woke up to the risks and dangers of vaccines after her youngest child suffered from frightening seizures that landed him in the emergency room on multiple occasions following vaccination. Doctors dismissed Shauna Marie’s concerns and her son’s adverse reactions and seizures as “normal,” a “virus,” and even mistakenly diagnosed him with a non-existing ear infection. Too often parents’ concerns and gut feelings are ignored when it comes to questioning vaccine safety and their inherent risks and consequences. The Center for Disease Control’s (CDC’s) own website includes information about vaccine-induced seizures in children ages six months to two years old. Shauna Marie reflects…

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FREE BOOK: Victory Over ADHD – Natural Approaches To Reversing Sensory Overwhelm

Victory Over ADHD – Natural Approaches To Reversing Sensory Overwhelm   By Larry Cook Twelve years ago I co-authored this book with Deborah Merlin, and I have dozens of leftover copies that I’d like to give away to parents who are looking for effective natural solutions to their child’s behavior and sensory overwhelm issues. It was during the creation of this book that I discovered how vaccines cause autism, and some of that information is also included in the book. Part 1 of the book is Deborah’s story of how she helped her two children come out of the autism and ADD/ADHD fog (among other things) using natural therapies (after conventional ones failed miserably), and part 2 is where I…

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