PBX Heavy Metal Detox: $10 For Your 1st Bottle

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Pure Body Extra Detox

ZEOLITE HEAVY METAL DETOX: This all natural mineral is mined from the earth, cleaned, remineralized, nano-sized, and then suspended into water molecules using sonic technology so that it can travel everywhere throughout the body and exchange a mineral ion for a heavy metal ion, which is then “caged” and escorted out of the body in 4 to 6 hours. Hence, why many people notice such drastic improvements in a short amount of time!



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Pay Just $10 For Your 1st Bottle

($10 USA – Big discount for other countries)

Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra is great for brain and neurological detox. Everyone needs to detox! When you subscribe to a monthly shipment (cancel any time), you’ll lock in a 20% off member discount and free shipping every month after that.



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CEO Explains How Miracle Mineral Detoxifies Body In 6 Hours!


Zeolite Clinoptilolite: The Miracle Mineral for Detox

If you’ve heard of the zeolite Clinoptilolite, it’s because this type of zeolite has been widely studied for its ability to:

  • Flush heavy metals from the body, including toxic lead (5)
  • Provide alkalizing minerals to support a healthy pH
  • Protect kidney function by detoxing heavy metals (6)
  • Strengthen the immune system through removing toxins (7)
  • Protect against leaky gut by strengthening the intestinal wall (8)
  • And much more, as extensive clinical research shows (9)

The detoxification and health benefits of the zeolite Clinoptilolite are astounding. It’s hundreds of times more effective than activated charcoal, a commonly known and used detoxifier that can detox the gut.

Its negative-charge and honeycomb shape acts as a natural chelator, binding to positively-charged toxins and ushering them out of the body, quickly and effectively.

The zeolite Clinoptilolite can bind to toxins throughout the whole body and has an affinity for toxins only, so it never removes beneficial minerals, and there are no negative side effects.

When the zeolite is nanosized and suspended in water molecule clusters, this natural detoxifier can travel throughout the body, even past the blood-brain barrier.

But to take out heavy metals and other toxins, the zeolite must also be cleansed and pre-filled with alkalizing minerals. Why? The fact is, when mined, zeolite comes filled with environmental pollutants because that’s what zeolites are good at in nature – absorbing toxins.

Pure Body Extra Strength is producedby a company called Touchstone Essentials. Their cleansing process and nanosizing technology is extremely advanced, yielding a superior zeolite that can effectively detoxify the entire body on a cellular level.

This zeolite uses nanosized Clinoptilolite to access toxins everywhere in the body. These particles are so small they are invisible to the naked eye and need to be magnified thousand-fold. And it’s backed up by the gold standard in instrumentation – Malvern particle size testing.

This nanometer size means they can get to a cellular level, and it also means the collective surface area of the zeolite particles creates a vast filter that mops up toxins within hours.

And because these zeolite particles are encapsulated within water molecule clusters, it is delivered in a liquid spray that is easy to use (just a few sprays, morning, noon, and night) with no odor, no taste, and no hassle.

Pure Body Extra has also been cleansed of existing pollutants so that it more effectively removes heavy metals throughout your body. This is all proven with third-party independent clinical testing. Not only that, the zeolite particles are pre-filled with alkalizing minerals. That way, the zeolite “swaps” a beneficial mineral for a toxin every time.

When you subscribe to a monthly shipment, you’ll lock in a 20% off member discount and free shipping (US, UK, Canada, Australia, and NZ) every month after that.

100% Risk-Free Guarantee

Best of all, there’s zero risk. Imagine being free of disease-causing heavy metals, nitrosamines, volatile organic compounds, and pesticides in just 30 seconds a day, with no harsh side effects.

Pure Body Extra Strength will give you a way to free yourself of toxins, alkalize the body, strengthen your immunity and much more.

Save 20% when you purchase a monthly subscription.

Just $10 For Your 1st Bottle!

First Time Orders Only

Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra is great for brain and neurological detox. Everyone needs to detox! When you subscribe to a monthly shipment (cancel any time), you’ll lock in a 20% off member discount and free shipping  every month after that.

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Free eBook!

Zeolite is a precious mineral with thousands of years of history behind it. Despite getting shelved for a few decades, the catalyst is believed to have magnetic properties. It’s intended to work by pulling free radicals and unwanted matter from your body. Cleansing with Zeolite helps minimize disruptions to your holistic health. The result? A well-balanced mind, body, and soul that is more open to positive experiences.

This book is perfect for anyone who wants to experience their best selves and live their life to the fullest. Heavy metal components weigh you down more significantly than you think. And purging yourself of these unhealthy irritants can help provide you with the clarity that you need to pursue the finer things in life.

This guide talks about:

✅ The medical uses of Zeolite

✅ How to cleanse with this mineral

✅ Its health benefits

✅ The fascinating history and use of zeolite throughout the years

✅ The difference between zeolite, activated charcoal and bentonite clay

✅ The structure of zeolite

✅ Top Ten health benefits of Zeolite

✅ Zeolite and Heavy Metals

✅ Zeolite and it’s effect on mold

✅ Choosing the right Zeolite

Plus lots more. Rediscover how Zeolite can change your life.

DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK: Zeolite The Detox Miracle

Read The White Paper


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