“I, Daniel Austin, Am One Of Four Autistic Vaccine Injured Siblings.”

“I, Daniel Austin, Am One Of Four Autistic Vaccine Injured Siblings.” By Daniel Keith Austin I, Daniel Keith Austin (Twitter handle @DanielAustin07), am one of four autistic/vaccine-injured siblings. Catherine – my oldest sister born in 1986 – is high-functioning Asperger’s on the autism spectrum. As an autistic child, she struggled with noise sensitivity and adherence to routine. Today, she struggles with being in social settings, building and keeping relationships, basic day-to-day tasks, prioritizing, and employment. I, Daniel, am the second-oldest born in 1988. I am high-functioning Asperger’s on the autism spectrum. In my childhood, I was on the moderate side of the autism spectrum. I struggled with echolalia, hand-flapping, adherence to routine, adjusting to changes from learned routine, social settings,…

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Try Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for Autism, Vaccine Injury, Brain Injury, Wounds & More

Try Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for Autism, Vax Injury, Brain Injury, Wounds & More [Go Here for additional vaccine injury treatments I recommend.] Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) is the process of laying or sitting inside a pressurized chamber for one hour to two hours per session to “squeeze” ambient oxygen into the cells, which in turn will help improve healing at all levels since oxygen is required for all metabolic action. Hard chamber hyperbaric treatment pressurizes a hard chamber up to 3 times more atmospheric pressure than normal atmospheric pressure and a soft chamber mild hyperbaric oxygen treatment pressurizes 1.3 to 1.5 times normal atmospheric pressure (ATA). An overview of how hyperbaric oxygen helps heal the body – my interview with…

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COVID Vaccine Caused Leg Numbness, Depression, Chest Pain, Neurological Issues & More

COVID Vaccine Caused Leg Numbness, Depression, Chest Pain, Neurological Issues & More By Audra Worlow For the most part of my life I have been extremely healthy. I’ve never had a flu shot, and yet I’ve only had the flu once in my entire life in the eighth grade. As far as my mental health is concerned, I always struggled with ADHD, depression, and anxiety, but I had been pretty medically stable (i.e. no new medications or increase in dosage of medications) for roughly a few years. Then March of 2020 hit, and for the first time in a very very long time I got hit hard, by something. Probably the worst fever I have ever felt. I opened all…

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10 IMPORTANT REASONS TO AVOID ALL VACCINES – My Twitter Post On December 9th, 2023 I posted to Twitter 10 reasons why to avoid vaccines and it’s reached nearly 250,000 people, so I decided to post it here as well for easy reference and sharing! I hope you share this page with friends and family,  and even in social media!  ~ Larry Cook Here Are Just A Few Reasons To Never Vaccinate! 1) Vaccines do not confer immunity. This means that a vaccinated person can (and does) get the illness for which they are vaccinated against. Although this failure of vaccines is always blamed on the unvaccinated (the “herd immunity” myth), in reality, it is because the TH1 cell mediated…

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Detox, Vaccines, Mercury & Autism: The Misdiagnosis of Our Future Generations

Detox, Vaccines, Mercury & Autism: The Misdiagnosis of Our Future Generations Abridged Version—see www.drbuttar.com for complete text and additional commentary US Congressional Sub-Committee Hearing on May 6, 2004 Rashid A. Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM Vice Chairman, American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology Visiting Scientist, North Carolina State University The incidence of Autism has increased from approximately 1 in 10,000 in 1990 to 1 in 166, representing over a 5,700% increase in just the last 15 or so years. In some states, the incidence is now 1 in 80 [1 in 36 in 2023] and we now have over 1.5 million children diagnosed with Autism in the United States. A lot of attention has been given regarding the link between…

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Autistic Children and the Real Cause and Progression of their Autism

It’s been two years now of working with autistic children. Here’s the real cause and progression (doctors are totally ignorant to this). 1. Mother takes a pre-natal vitamin during pregnancy. The vitamin has folic acid in it. Folic acid is a synthetic shitty form of folate. Folate is responsible for the MTHFR genetic function. Improper forms of folate start to down regulate MTHFR gene. MTHFR gene controls detox, hormones and neurotransmitters. 2. Baby is given formula. Formula is full of allergenic foods like soy and corn that destroy the gut. It’s also full of inflammatory oils that destroy brain neurons. It’s also “enriched” with more folic acid (goodbye MTHFR gene) and also enriched with shitty forms of iron. Iron is…

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Stop California AB 659 The Evil HPV Vaccine Mandate Bill For Children & Teens

Stop California AB 659 The Evil HPV Vaccine Mandate Bill For Children & Teens The Satanic Democrats are at it again in California: they want to destroy our youth with the extremely dangerous injury and death causing HPV Vaccine by mandating it in order to attend school. Download This 4 Page Info Sheet To Give To Legislators: >>> Gardasil Handout Why Vote NO on AB 659 • Gardasil, manufactured and marketed by Merck, received fast-tracked FDA approval, leaving many unanswered questions about its safety and efficacy. • The integrity of Merck’s studies of Gardasil have been called into question by numerous members of the scientific community. • Whether Gardasil prevents cancer (not to mention lifetime immunity) is unproven because the…

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Try This Health Boosting Fulvic Minerals and Zeolite Gut Detox Combo For Just $10!!!

Nature’s purest and most powerful health booster can help to unlock your natural energy, restore the gut microbiome, replenish minerals, and supercharge detox.   Just $10 and Free Shipping for your first bottle!   You probably already know that the food we eat today is not as healthy as it was generations ago. But it’s worse than you think. Conventional farming methods including pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers have all depleted the soil our food grows in, resulting in crops that look the same but are empty of the nutrients we need to thrive. Still, it might surprise you to learn that as a result of nutrient-depleted soil, a shocking 90% of people are deficient in one or more vital…

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Child Masking Is Harmful, Unnecessary, Cruel and Should End Immediately Experts Say In New Video

Child Masking Is Harmful, Unnecessary, Cruel and Should End Immediately Experts Say In New Video In a newly released thirty-five-minute video presentation created by medical freedom activist Larry Cook of Stop Mandatory Vaccination and COVID-19 Refusers, multiple experts – including Dr. Mark McDonald, MD and Dr. Jeff Barke, MD of America’s Frontline Doctors – state unequivocally that masking children is ineffective, physically harmful, psychologically damaging and that parents should stop doing it immediately. The video presentation gives a detailed look at some simple truths about COVID and children: healthy children are not dying from COVID, there are numerous non-vaccine natural and pharmaceutical treatments that prevent injury and death from COVID infection, asymptomatic children do not spread COVID, masks do not…

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Healthy Vaccine Free Family Shares Inspiring Story

Both my children and I are 100 % unvaccinated. My elder daughter Saaya is 8 years old and my younger son Sandhyansh is 9 months old and neither are vaccinated. Both are healthy. My dad once saw a girl – she was 5 years old and our neighbor. She was very healthy playing all time full energetic. But one day some foolish health worker came and gave her polio shot. She got a fever that day and next day she was half paralyzed. So at that moment my dad decided I will not vaccinate my children. I and my 2 brothers are unvaccinated and both my children are not vaccinated. We all are healthy. I never went hospital for any…

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UK Pro Censorship Group Attacks Anti-Vaxxers To Ensure Obscene Vaccine Industry Profits

UK Pro Censorship Group Attacks Anti-Vaxxers To Ensure Obscene Vaccine Industry Profits   By Nate Doromal With so many people refusing the dangerous COVID shot, vaccine proponents are getting truly desperate when they stoop down to name-calling, falsely crying “hate speech”, and calling anyone who questions vaccines as part of the sinister “The Anti-Vaxx Industry.” But all in all, to get the truth, you need to follow the money! Did You Know that the Center for Countering Digital Hate is a UK non-profit who claims to “fight digital hate” but actually is an astroturf organization whose main purpose is to spread “hate against medical freedom,” pro-vaccine propaganda, and pro-censorship policies in the USA? Top 10 Problems with the CCDH: Engages…

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COVID: Should You Take A Vaccine That’s Causing Massive Injury & Death?

COVID: Should You Take A Vaccine That’s Causing Massive Injury & Death?   If the COVID vaccine is causing injury and death at an alarming rate, should those not yet vaccinated reconsider getting a COVID shot? By Nate Dormal Vaccine mania is sweeping the nation. One cannot go a day without hearing about the COVID vaccine and the need for increased vaccination rates so “we can get back to normal.” However, since the COVID vaccine supply is now exceeding demand, it reveals that many people do not want the vaccine, and public health authorities are turning to more “coercive” incentives. Media organizations are pressuring people to get the vaccine by name-calling, universities are requiring the COVID vaccine for those wanting…

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Why Did President Trump Say To Take The COVID Vaccine?

Why Did President Trump Say To Take The COVID Vaccine? I see a lot of medical freedom activists complaining and being upset that President Trump said to take the COVID vaccine. I posted about this on my Telegram Channel a couple days ago and it sparked quite a conversation. For over a year now I have been sharing what I know about Q (Qanon), President Trump and the PLAN to save America from CERTAIN DESTRUCTION because Trump was elected in 2016 to be President. To recap for you: The planet has been and still is ruled by a very small group of people who control the money supply, engage in Satanic Ritual Murder/Torture, and who have no problem killing tens…

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How to Naturally Ease Pain & Anxiety in Pets

How to Naturally Ease Pain & Anxiety in Pets You know that look. That heartbreaking mix of humiliation and defeat. The pleading in your pet’s eyes to take away the pain and suffering. You know that feeling. That helplessness you feel when you can no longer help, and the desperation that comes when you’re faced with the gut-wrenching decision of having to say goodbye to your best friend and loyal companion. If you’ve ever had a pet, then you know the agony and uncertainty of being faced with that decision. You spend countless hours [and thousands of dollars] at the vet, but nothing seems to be working. What’s worse, many so-called treatments and “mandatory” vaccinations prescribed by your vet can…

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She Vaccinated Her Son for School Which Destroyed His Speech

She Vaccinated Her Son for School Which Destroyed His Speech Almost six years ago I started my Facebook Group, Stop Mandatory Vaccination, with the express purpose to help parents confidently go 100% vaccine free. I put in a massive amount of effort, strategy and moderation protocol to get parents into the group so they could get the information they sought. (Facebook shut it down last month.) As more and more vaccine mandates happened, one question that was asked VERY FREQUENTLY in the group was: “I need to vaccinate my child to go to school, how do I detox him afterwards.”  I would cringe every time I saw that question, and like I said, it was asked a LOT. If I…

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Facebook Just Shut Down Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s Page With 375,000 Followers!

Facebook Just Shut Down Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s Page With 375,000 Followers!   Unfortunately, Facebook has taken out another medical freedom activist, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Dr. Tenpenny has been in this fight against medical tyranny for a long time, and has been sounding the alarm about vaccines being neither safe nor effective for a couple decades now. Her website is VAXXTER​ (bookmark her website). Feel free to join her email list. So, to recap, my Stop Mandatory Vaccination​ Facebook Page was shut down, Sayer Ji’s GreenMedInfo Facebook Page was shut down, Del Bigtree’s Highwire Facebook Page was shut down, and Dr. Tenpenney’s VAXXTER Facebook Page was shut down right before Christmas. I know there are others, like Dr. Baker, Chiropractor, who had his…

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Sidney Powell’s GA Lawsuit Details Extensive Election Rigging

The 2020 Presidential Election Was RIGGED By LARRY COOK Keep in mind that President Trump has been preparing since the 2016 election (where he was elected because some key election rigging was thwarted) for the 2020 election where he will expose the entire corrupt election system that has been used for decades to install Deep State Puppets and not those chosen by WE THE PEOPLE. I now believe that the rigged Presidential Election is the KEYSTONE to toppling the entire Deep State control of the United States of America. Sidney Powell’s lawsuit against Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia, and others in Georgia, details the extensive election rigging and how Governor Kemp is personally implicated in working with the Deep State…

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The One Critical Weapon Against COVID-19 That No One is Talking About:

SPECIAL LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT OFFER!!! The One Critical Weapon Against COVID-19 That No One is Talking About: The Proven Connection Between Nutrition and Immunity With the probability of a rushed vaccine that could result in dire long-term consequences, it’s up to us to protect ourselves and our families. Right now, all the so-called “experts” believe wearing a mask, social distancing and shutting down the economy is the only way to prevail. But there’s another way to defend ourselves that almost no one is talking about, and that’s to fortify our bodies from the inside out by arming our immune system with vital nutrients so it can tackle any invader and fight back. It’s no secret that nutrition plays a critical role in…

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Healthy 2 Month Old Dies A Week After 8 Vaccines

Healthy 2 Month Old Dies A Week After 8 Vaccines   Krystal Corcoran is among the growing list of grieving parents who have lost an infant after vaccination. A tragedy too painful to experience and one that is deeply upsetting to continually read about. Deaths that follow vaccination are becoming their own news feed they are so often. Why aren’t the medical examiners and medical professionals investigating the role of vaccines in these “SIDS” labeled deaths. Shouldn’t we be asking why eight vaccines are given at the two month old “well visit” when they have never been tested in combination with each other for safety or if they have a negative synergistic effect? Krystal shares her heart crushing story below…

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A REBUTTAL: The Plandemic Documentary Is An Exposé Of Corruption Found At The Highest Levels Of Our Health Institutions

The Plandemic Documentary Is An Exposé Of Corruption Found At The Highest Levels Of Our Health Institutions By Nate Doromal The Plandemic documentary has taken the social media world by storm, becoming the most censored documentary on social media of all time, generating tons of hit pieces on nearly all mainstream media channels. Why is this happening? It’s time to settle the BS and let’s talk about why “Plandemic Is a Bombshell,” why this message is coming out now, why it is so important, and why the censors are so eager to shut it down. The following started as a refutation of “Plandemic is Nonsense” but I realized that many of these “debunking” pieces miss the boat. The real message…

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