VAXXED & VACCINES: Why Trust Doctors Lied To By The CDC?

VAXXED & VACCINES: Why Trust Doctors Lied To By The CDC? Sara Costello trusted her doctor and wound up with a vaccine-injured child. Sara encourages all parents to watch the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe to understand the CDC cover-up of supposed vaccine safety and why there is a media blackout on vaccine injury. Produced by Larry Cook Founder and Director of Contribute here: Transcript I am a mother of three children; two of which are in school and I came to see Vaxxed tonight. It’s my second time seeing it actually. This is a very important subject to me I hold close to my heart. SB 277 [the mandatory vaccination law in California] really turned my…

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VAXXED: CDC Study Shows Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism

VAXXED: CDC Study Shows Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism Del Bigtree, producer of the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, says, “We have more 1-day infant deaths than every other industrialized nation in the world.” And he attributes this in part to the vaccines that infants get on their first day of life. He also explains how the CDC has covered up a study that shows that the MMR vaccine causes Autism, based on the age of when the MMR vaccine is administered. For the full story of CDC corruption as explained by senior scientist William Thompson, manipulation of vaccine safety data, and how vaccines are destroying our children, watch Bigtree’s documentary. Produced by Larry Cook Founder and Director…

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Vaccine Injury Destroys Lives So Listen To Parents and Not Pediatricians

Vaccine Injury Destroys Lives So Listen To Parents and Not Pediatricians Polly Tommey, mother of an autistic son from a MMR Vaccination and Producer of the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, shares why we MUST listen to parents who have vaccine-injured children and NOT the pediatricians who claim that vaccines are safe. Her story is passionate and chilling, and parents who care about the well being of their child would do well to heed her advice. For the full story, watched the documentary. Produced by Larry Cook Founder and Director of Donate here: Transcript My son is vaccine damaged. Before I vaccinated him, I was extremely pro-vaccine, a hard pro-vaccine girl. My daughter, who’s older, was vaccinated, absolutely fine…

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How The MMR Vaccine Is Linked To Autism and The CDC Cover-Up

How The MMR Vaccine Is Linked To Autism and The CDC Cover-Up Dr. Andrew Wakefield shares how and why there is a causal association between the MMR Vaccine (Mumps Measles Rubella Vaccine) and Autism. Some reasons include parent observations of the child who became drowsy, slept for days, had high-pitched screaming and seizures and then never recovered (clinical history). This would be brain inflammation from vaccination. There are studies that show that the vaccine measles virus has been found in the blood, intestines and spinal fluid of those vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. Finally, there is a strong statistical correlation between the MMR vaccination and Autism in African American boys according to the CDC Whistleblower William Thompson. For the full…

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I’ve Resigned As Executive Director Of The CNDA

I’ve Resigned As Executive Director Of The CNDA Wednesday, April 6th, 2016 Dear Community, I’m writing to let you know that after four years of service to the naturopathic community, to naturopathic doctors and to the California Naturopathic Doctors Association (CNDA), I have resigned as their Executive Director, effective April 2nd, 2016. This letter is both for NDs who I have served in California and nationally, and also for those in the Stop Mandatory Vaccination community who I also serve in California, nationally, and internationally. Before I begin, here is – in part – the press release from the CNDA that was released earlier today announcing my resignation: “Dear CNDA community, It is with great sadness that we announce that Larry…

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Mom Discovers Vaccination Horrors & Goes Vaccine Free

Mom Discovers Vaccination Horrors & Goes Vaccine Free When Shanna was pregnant she researched vaccines and vaccination by reading a book, the Vaccine Safety Manual, and discovered the many horrors of vaccination. She learned what vaccines are, what vaccines are made of, the supposed reason for vaccination, and then the type of harm each vaccine can do to human life. She wept and cried as she read story after story from parents who have vaccine injured children. She refused the Vitamin K shot and was berated by the doctor and she refused the vaccine anyway. She figured out that the doctor just wanted her to live in fear. She then read more books and talked with more people about vaccines and vaccination…

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MMR and DPT Vaccines Utterly Destroy A Child’s Life Forever

MMR and DPT Vaccines Utterly Destroy A Child’s Life Forever At 18 months of age Caroline received her MMR and DPT vaccines, which destroyed her life. She suffered severe brain damage. This is her story, told by daughter-in-law Melissa Alsop. Shortly after the vaccination Caroline screamed uncontrollably, had convulsions, had a fever, and was told by the doctor to simply give the child Tylenol (which creates even more problems because that stops the detox process). Autism occurred shortly after the vaccination. Caroline was a healthy, vibrant child before the MMR and DPT vaccination, and now she is permanently brain damaged because of the vaccines. Melissa will not vaccinate. We must shut down all vaccine mandates and mandatory vaccination bills and laws…

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Vaccination Research: Mom Shares Vaccine Horrors And Won’t Vaccinate

Vaccination Research: Mom Shares Vaccine Horrors And Won’t Vaccinate After doing her research, this mom discovered that vaccines can cause great harm, including death, and that natural immunity is superior to vaccination. She never vaccinated her 4 year-old daughter, who shines with vibrant health. A few things she discovered during her massive research process: The risk of injury from vaccination is higher than the chances of her daughter getting Whooping Cough Polio is not a threat to our society, except from vaccination Vaccine makers cannot be sued for injury or death Vaccines have toxic ingredients Vaccines have Thimerosal in them, a dangerous mercury “preservative” Thimerosal increased in utero once flu shots started to be pushed onto pregnant women Injection is…

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My Kids: Their Severe Vaccine Injuries Do Not Qualify For A Medical Exemption

My Kids: Their Severe Vaccine Injuries Do Not Qualify For A Medical Exemption This mom’s twins were vaccinated shortly after birth and then they were diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. The twins continued to be vaccinated on schedule up until about 2.5 years of age when one of the twins had a developmental regression. The child was diagnosed with Autism at that point. She was told by doctors to never vaccinate again. After intensive biomedical treatment her child was recovered from the Autism diagnoses. Unfortunately, even though her child has had vaccine reactions and also numerous health challenges, her child does not qualify for a vaccine exemption. Harmoni says, “I just don’t think that people should be forced to put toxins…

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Completely Unvaccinated Adult Explains Why She Doesn’t Vaccinate Her Child

Completely Unvaccinated Adult Explains Why She Doesn’t Vaccinate Her Child Jasmine is a 24-year-old mom who was never vaccinated herself, and she does not vaccinate her daughter. She doesn’t vaccinate because she did her research, discovered that true health does not come from vaccination, she has friends who have vaccine injured children, and because vaccination carries too much risk. Educate before you vaccinate. Produced by Larry Cook Contribute here: TRANSCRIPT I am 24 and I’m completely unvaccinated. I was born into a family of 10 children. I was the third of 10, and we were all completely unvaccinated until my older 2 brothers both stepped on rusty nails and they received tetanus shots. I had chickenpox. Most of my…

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My Child Is Vaccine Free Because Vaccines Carry Risk

I Have A Vaccine Free Child Because Vaccination Carries Risk Heidi is no ordinary mom! Prior to the birth of her daughter, she thought vaccines were safe. But then she decided to research vaccine safety and vaccine efficacy and determined that not only are vaccines NOT safe, but that they are not required to have a healthy child. Her child is vaccine free, and very healthy. She doesn’t worry about childhood diseases because she understands that a healthy and properly functioning immune system is the most important defense against disease – not vaccines. TRANSCRIPT I have a vaccine free child, and you are probably wondering, why I’ve made that choice. As a parent, I realized that that was going to…

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Vaccination By Medical Bullying Creates Hostile Child With Sensory Processing Disorder

Vaccination By Medical Bullying Creates Hostile Child With Sensory Processing Disorder Megan took her very healthy unvaccinated 3 year old child in for a pediatric check up, was bullied into having her child vaccinated, and left with a vaccine injured child. The doctor called it “normal.” Her child was violently ill for days after the vaccination, and then she wound up with a persistent hostile/agitation that lasted for years; she was also diagnosed with a sensory processing disorder. Megan opposes mandatory vaccination and we hope you will too! TRANSCRIPT I am a mother of two little girls. Before they were born I had already decided that I was not going to vaccinate them. I had done all the research I…

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Educate Before You Vaccinate: Vaccines Caused Son’s Tourette’s Syndrome

Educate Before You Vaccinate: Vaccines Caused Son’s Tourette’s Syndrome Laura’s son developed Tourette’s Syndrome shortly after his MMR vaccination in the early 1990’s, but it would take 20 years of investigation before she would finally connect the dots that it was the vaccination that caused her son’s neurological problems. She discovered that Thimerosal – a mercury based preservative – played a role in her son’s Tourette’s Syndrome, and she is thoroughly convinced that her son was vaccine injured. She implores parents to research vaccines before deciding to vaccinate. TRANSCRIPT I am the parent of a child who was vaccine injured. My son David was vaccinated back in 1993, and he developed severe Tourette’s syndrome literally out of the blue. Back…

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MMR Vaccination Plunges Child Into Autism and Mom Will Never Vaccinate Again

MMR Vaccination Plunges Child Into Autism Gladys took her normal, healthy 18-month-old boy into the pediatrician’s office to get the MMR vaccination, only to leave with a vaccine-injured child. The doctor said that the symptoms of the injury were “normal.” Her child would later be diagnosed with Autism. She was able to help her child by following a gluten free casein free diet, and later, by using homeopathic protocols. Please share her story to warn other parents about the dangers of vaccination and to help us stop all government sponsored vaccination mandates. Produced by Larry Cook Founder and Director of TRANSCRIPT Hello, my name is Gladys. I would like to share my story about my son being vaccine-injured. It…

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Chiropractor Witnesses Normal Children Be Injured By Vaccines and Vaccination

Chiropractor Witnesses Normal Children Be Injured By Vaccines Dr. Greg Cartmell, DC has been a practicing Chiropractor for over 20 years and has witnessed patients of his go from normal to vaccine injured after routine vaccination. In his video interview he shares the story of a child who was normal, engaged and healthy and then after vaccination was diagnosed with Autism. He suggests that all parents thoroughly research the dangers and efficacy of vaccination before deciding whether or not to vaccinate. Produced by Larry Cook Founder and Director of Contribute here: TRANSCRIPT As a chiropractor, one of the greatest professions in the world I think, I have been practicing for close to 20 years now. Just recently, I’d…

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Vaccination: Parents Conclude Vaccines Are Not Safe For Their Children

Vaccination: Parents Conclude Vaccines Are Not Safe For Their Children Brittney’s two girls had severe reactions to a vaccination and after much investigation decided to never vaccinate again. Brittney did an extensive review of vaccine safety and vaccine efficacy and concluded that vaccines are too dangerous for her children, and that vaccines are not required for the health of her children. She doesn’t understand why vaccines have never been tested in combination for the entire childhood immunization schedule. She gave her oldest the DTaP vaccine and then the child got an ear infection after that vaccination. This daughter was no longer vaccinated after that. Brittney was bullied into vaccinating her youngest child with the Hib vaccine (Haemophilus Influenzae Type b)…

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9 Vaccines In One Day Cause Autism and Severe Sickness In Child

9 Vaccines In One Day Cause Autism and Severe Sickness In Child Ru Andrade shares the story of her child who received 9 vaccines in one day at a 15 month wellness visit and says, “THAT WAS THE DAY WE LOST HER.” Her child was born healthy, but soon after the child was sick on a very regular basis, likely because of the vaccines. At 12 months of age her daughter received the MMR vaccine and that night her daughter screamed in pain and had pain in the head and so she took her child to the hospital. The doctor suspected it was the vaccine that caused the screaming and pain. Amazingly, her child developed the measles from the MMR vaccine.…

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Vaccines Are NOT Safe: Vaccination Damages 4-Month-Old Baby For Years

Vaccines Are NOT Safe: Vaccination Damages 4-Month-Old Baby For Years This dad was pro-vaccine until his 4-month-old baby was severely damaged by vaccination. Healing the child from the vaccine injury required years and years of alternative medicine (natural medicine) treatment. His other child also suffered from vaccines and because of these vaccine reactions, he decided not to vaccinate his children. Interestingly, he moved to California five years ago to ensure he could secure a personal belief exemption to vaccination because where he had lived – New Jersey – he could not get a personal belief exemption or religious exemption from vaccination in order to attend school. However, currently in California a bill has been introduced which would eliminate personal belief…

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Healthy Unvaccinated Child Gets Whooping Cough From Vaccinated Friends and Fully Recovers

Healthy Unvaccinated Child Gets Whooping Cough From Vaccinated Friends and Fully Recovers After a personal experience with Thimerosal – a mercury-based preservative used in eye drops and vaccines – this mom investigated vaccine ingredients and decided they were too toxic to have injected into her child. At age ten her daughter caught Whooping Cough from vaccinated friends, and although it was an unpleasant experience, the child fully recovered, and gained a stronger immune system in the process. Homeopathic remedies were used during the infection, along with other natural therapies, and because of this a secondary infection never occurred, unlike the case with many children who get Whooping Cough. This mom educated herself about vaccines and vaccination, decided that vaccines are not…

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Former Salesman For Vaccine Maker Merck & Co. Wouldn’t Vaccinate His Son

Former Salesman For Vaccine Maker Merck & Co. Wouldn’t Vaccinate His Son “If you believe what you are told by the AMA and the CDC and your doctor, you’re not doing enough research.” In 1991 Scott Cooper and his wife researched vaccine safety and efficacy, determined vaccines are NOT safe or effective, and refused to vaccinate their son. Interestingly, their son was much healthier than his vaccinated peers throughout childhood. At the time, Scott worked as a sales rep for Merck & Co., a large vaccine manufacturer, and he had dived deep into researching vaccines and the risk associated with vaccination. His Pediatrician was befuddled that Scott would not vaccinate, especially because he worked for a large vaccine manufacturer! His…

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