My Life Is Stormy: Confessions Of A HPV Vaccine Injured Teen

My Life Is Stormy: Confessions Of A HPV Vaccine Injured Teen   This article has been reprinted with permission of M.E. Support. >>> Chloe has a GoFundMe to help pay for alternative treatments. DONATE HERE Inside I’m Dancing by Chloe Leanne Brookes, May 2017. I used to live by the motto “Don’t wait for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain” – but unfortunately, in my life this is no longer the case. My life is stormy. I can’t dance through this pain and heartache any more because my body is broken; it doesn’t function or co-operate with me. Why? Because I’m severely injured by a vaccine which triggered Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Throughout 2010/2011 I was given three…

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An Anti-Vaxxer Responds To “World Immunization Week”

An Anti-Vaxxer Responds To “World Immunization Week”   A couple days ago I was asked by The Independent, a UK publication, to answer some questions about the World Health Organization’s World Immunization Week. Here is what I wrote: What are the biggest arguments against vaccination in your view? 1) There is serious risk of destruction of health through vaccination. Children who receive vaccines often wind up with chronic health problems not seen in the unvaccinated population, including seizures, asthma, autoimmune disorders, eczema, rashes, sleep disorders, and many other health issues. Some have very severe reactions which lead to neurological disorders and other serious complications. Some even die. Unfortunately, doctors either refuse to acknowledge these severe reactions either through their medical arrogance or inability…

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FREE 7-PART DOCU-SERIES: Learn The Truth About Vaccines And Protect Your Child’s Life!

EPISODE 1 BEGINS SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 Register Now To Watch 60 Experts Weigh In On Vaccine Safety, Injury, Efficacy and Public Policy.   The Truth About Vaccines documentary miniseries – co-sponsored by Stop Mandatory Vaccination – is the biggest online event of 2018 that every single parent, expectant parent, doctor, nurse, medical researcher, media representative, elected official, school administrator and concerned citizen will not only want to watch and engage with, but also own. This must see online FREE event will shatter the popular myths that vaccines are safe, effective, protective or required for health. Dozens of experts NOT funded by the pharmaceutical industry will give you the understanding you need to make an informed decision as to whether or not vaccines are right for you…

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PARENTS: Watch Vaccines Revealed For FREE – An Explosive 9-Part Series Featuring 24 Vaccine Experts

  PARENTS: Watch Vaccines Revealed For FREE – An Explosive 9-Part Series Featuring 24 Vaccine Experts REPLAY WEEKEND BEGINS AT 6PM PST December 8! Watch all 9 episodes this weekend!   A Free Online Event November 28 – December 7, 2017 This explosive 9-part series featuring over two dozen experts is a must watch series for every parent, medical professional, elected official and concerned citizen. In this series you’ll hear multiple experts share how and why vaccines are dangerous, why they don’t offer the “protection” claimed and why our children are better off without them. BEFORE YOU ALLOW ANOTHER TOXIC VACCINATION, WATCH THIS SERIES! >>> Just CLICK RIGHT HERE TO REGISTER and you are in! <<<   >>> CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE…

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A Once Healthy Teen Is Destroyed By The HPV Vaccine And Now Lives A Daily Hell

A Once Healthy Teen Is Destroyed By The HPV Vaccine And Now Lives A Daily Hell >>>  CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO CHLOE To Help Her Fund Alternative Therapies <<< >>> You can also donate via PayPal: <<<   Meet Chloe Leanne Brookes: an intelligent and amazingly positive 18-year-old girl in the UK. She is bedridden with many chronic, debilitating conditions, but she wasn’t always this way. At the age of 12, Chloe was a typical child. She loved hiking, mountain biking, rollerblading and dancing, and she was looking forward to a dancing career. Chloe was healthy, had a busy, active lifestyle and was a straight-A student. That all changed with the HPV vaccine, Cervarix. Chloe says, “I was injured by Cervarix and…

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“My Family Was Devastated By Vaccines” Tasha Dāvid, AVN President

“My Family Was Devastated By Vaccines”   Tasha has 6 vaccine injured kids and 2 healthy vaccine free kids. Her 6 vaccine injured kids include diagnoses of Autism, ADHD, severe mood swings and severe language disorder, as well as gastrointestinal issues, skin problems, chronic ear infections, chemical sensitivities, and many other health issues. However, her vaccine free kids are very healthy. Her 6 kids who were vaccinated always had more health issues after vaccination, but Tasha never understood that the vaccines were destroying her children because the doctors never told her. Tasha Dāvid is President of Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network Inc. and advocates that parents have complete choice over whether or not to vaccinate. She believes that a vaccine free lifestyle…

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What To Do When A Vaccine Free Child Gets Sick

What To Do When A Vaccine Free Child Gets Sick Dr. Henele E’ale, ND of the Energetic Health Institute shares what to do if a vaccine free child winds up with measles, mumps, flu or another infection. He explains how to build immune function through high dose nutrition and supplementation and why that is important. He also suggests we not panic and to work with a naturopathic doctor or integrative medical doctor. CLICK HERE to find a vaccine free doctor. Transcript So you’re gonna go vaccine-free with your children, and you might be thinking “OK, what do I do if they do get an infectious disease “like measles, mumps, rubella, or the flu?” Well the first thing I’m gonna tell…

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Don’t Trust Doctors Who Vaccinate and Cause Seizures or Harm

Don’t Trust Doctors Who Vaccinate and Cause Seizures or Harm Dr. Henele E’ale, ND of the Energetic Health Institute asks a basic question of parents: if a doctor injected something into your child and your child developed convulsions because of it, would you trust that doctor to treat your child? CLICK HERE to find a vaccine free doctor. TRANSCRIPT There are literally thousands of reasons for having a vaccine free child, and I wanna help simplify your decision making if I can. My name is Dr. H, and I’m the Executive Community Director for the Energetic Health Institute and also a parent, just like many of you. There are so many reasons. We can get into the toxins that are…

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How To Treat & Stop Vaccine-Induced Seizures by Dr. Henele, ND

How To Treat & Stop Vaccine-Induced Seizures Dr. Henele E’ale, ND of the Energetic Health Institute suffered from vaccine-induced seizures and learned how to stop them through a variety of natural medicine remedies. The mercury in the vaccines contributed to his seizure activity as did his mercury amalgam fillings. Dr. Henele recommends some nutritional supplements including lecithin and essential fatty acids, among others. FIND A VACCINE INURY DOCTOR FIND A VACCINE FREE DOCTOR Click Here Transcript If you have a vaccine-injured child, I want to give you some hope. My name is Dr. H and I was a vaccine-injured child. When I was a kid, I was vaccinated on schedule in the mid 80’s, so I received upwards of…

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Go Vaccine Free Without Fear Of Death From Infectious Disease

Go Vaccine Free Without Fear Of Death From Infectious Disease Dr. Henele E’ale, ND of the Energetic health Institute says that when a child has a healthy immune system, we don’t need to worry about our children dying from infectious disease. Many parents who want to go vaccine free and avoid vaccination altogether sometimes worry that if they don’t vaccinate their child that their child may die from an infection. However, Dr. Henele is clear that instead of vaccination, we need to avoid the fear pushed out by the pharmaceutical industry and instead work towards building healthy children. Transcript I’m not afraid of my child dying from infectious disease, because my child has a healthy immune system. Hi, my name…

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As An Unvaccinated Child He Was Healthier Than His Vaccinated Friends

 On YouTube above and on Facebook below. As An Unvaccinated Child He Was Healthier Than His Vaccinated Friends Meet Evan Kendig. He grew up 100% vaccine free, and was healthier than his vaccinated friends. His friend got the flu after receiving the flu vaccine, and that’s when he realized vaccines are not all that effective. TRANSCRIPT My name is Evan, I’m 30 years old and I’ve never been vaccinated for anything. Not the flu, not the chicken pox, nothing. And as a kid, I always thought it was interesting that all my friends who did get vaccinations somehow got sicker than me. I remember one time specifically that I went down to my friend’s house and I knocked on the…

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Three Big Reasons To Oppose Mandatory Vaccination

Three Big Reasons To Oppose Mandatory Vaccination   Natural Immunity Is Better Vaccination is not a desirable way to “protect” a child from infectious disease. Parents who do not vaccinate refuse vaccination first and foremost because the innate natural immune function is *superior* to vaccination in every possible way. A child will have extended and maybe even lifelong immunity to the infection once a child fights off the infection. This is far superior to “booster shots” and “vaccine failures” from vaccination. Children who are healthy and who have strong immune function are at extremely low risk of complications or death from infectious diseases, and wind up with even better immune function once an infection passes through. In fact, not all…

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Did Vaccines Worsen Child’s Rare Genetic Disorder and Spastic Cerebral Palsy?

Did Vaccines Worsen Child’s Rare Genetic Disorder and Spastic Cerebral Palsy? The first two trimesters of Mariah’s first pregnancy were filled with severe morning sickness and threatened miscarriages. Mariah says, “In the second trimester, I often received drugs to stop powerful Braxton Hicks Contractions [false labor pains]. Between my third and fourth month of pregnancy, I suffered a prolonged high fever. I took Tylenol and tepid baths, but nothing helped. I was hospitalized to monitor the baby while I was given antibiotics for a kidney infection.” From six months on, the pregnancy progressed normally. On June 22 2012, baby Haydin was born weighing 7lb 6oz. The vaccinations Haydin received were: One day old: Hepatitis B. Two months old: Hepatitis B,…

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Multiple Vaccines Cause Autism and Severe Vaccine Injury

Multiple Vaccines Cause Autism and Severe Vaccine Injury Story by Randi Bussear Lindsey gave birth to her first child, a precious baby boy she named Sylas, at 37 weeks gestation on 05-18-07. He was born healthy and strong, weighed 5lbs 5oz, and was 19½ inches long. Although Sylas was three weeks premature, and was just over 5lbs, the medical staff had no concerns about giving him vaccines on his first day of life. This healthy baby boy received the hepatitis B vaccine and vitamin K in the hospital on day one. Lindsey did not know at the time that both of these vaccines are linked to jaundice. She did what she thought was best for her infant and followed the…

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CDC Proposes Indefinite Detainment, Forced Vaccination and Unlimited Surveillance For Travelers

CDC Proposes Indefinite Detainment, Forced Vaccination and Unlimited Surveillance For Travelers UPDATE CLICK HERE to read the CDC’s final ruling on this proposed rule. Tell The CDC NO WAY! We have until October 14th, 2016 to give the CDC feedback on their proposed rule. Go to and tell them what you think!  CLICK HERE to send a pre-formatted automatic letter to your elected officials protesting this proposal. By Attorney Chiara King The CDC Seeks An Unprecedented Power Grab To Permanently Detain Americans The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to amend its quarantine regulations. These Proposed Rules will allow CDC and its agents to perform MANDATORY public health screenings on any man, woman,…

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DTP Vaccine Severely Damages Four-Month-Old Infant For Life

DTP Vaccine Severely Damages Four-Month-Old Infant For Life Matthew was born a healthy, beautiful baby boy at a whopping 8 pounds, 5 oz and 21 inches long on February 25th 1987. From the first time Muriel laid eyes on him she fell in love, a love that all mothers feel when they hold their child and look into their eyes for the first time. Muriel and her husband Doug thanked God for gifting them a healthy precious baby boy and the new parents couldn’t have been happier. Their life was just beginning and they had so many hopes and dreams to look forward to. Little did they know that it would all change very soon. Muriel was a first time…

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A Vaccine Free Lifestyle Is A Healthy Lifestyle

Mom Gives Compelling Reasons To Avoid Vaccination and Vaccines Natural health activist Brittney Kara shares how she keeps her family of five healthy and happy, which includes no vaccines and avoiding vaccination. She shares the story of her child who couldn’t sleep properly for over a year after one vaccination, why vaccines are dangerous and why we don’t need vaccines in order to protect our children from infections. Questions? Ask In Our Group! Like this video? Please Donate Here For More! Transcript Hi, my name is Brittney Kara and I am a wife and a mother. I’m married to a fireman, his name is Kellen, he’s a fire fighter paramedic, and we have three children, Kayla is 8,…

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David Wolfe Wakes Up After Talking To Parents Of Vaccine Injured Kids

David Wolfe Wakes Up After Talking To Parents Of Vaccine Injured Kids Health Guru David Wolfe calls for proper vaccine testing, meaning: double blind, placebo controlled, crossover studies that match the same high standards as all other pharmaceutical drug testing. David asks us all to fight against vaccine mandates and mandatory vaccination bills and laws. Shot on July 1st, 2016 at the SB277 No Vaccine Mandate Rally. Contribute here: Transcript I’ve been on the road for over 20 years, so, 4 or 5 events a week for 20 years. That’s a lot of events. That’s how I got conscious about this vaccine issue. I met so many parents, in particular, moms with vaccine injured children that it woke me…

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We Don’t Vaccinate Because Vaccines Cause Harm And Are Not Needed

We Don’t Vaccinate Because Vaccines Cause Harm And Are Not Needed EIGHT EDUCATED INDIVIDUALS share the many reasons why they no longer vaccinate, or never vaccinated. Reasons include: near death, uncontrollable screaming, horrible adverse reactions, getting the disease for which vaccinated against, high fever, vomiting, seizures, skin reactions, vaccines are poison, natural immunity is superior, high risk, cancer, aborted fetal cells, population control, vaccines cannot be made safe, and more. Please share widely! Produced by Larry Cook Founder and Director of Contribute here: Transcript I no longer vaccinate because vaccines almost killed my son. His brain swelled. He had a high pitched screaming. He had a fever for weeks. He just regressed backwards and almost died. His immune system…

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Our Children Are Being Sold To The Pharmaceutical Industry

Our Children Are Being Sold To The Pharmaceutical Industry “Our children are being destroyed by vaccines,” says Del Bigtree, producer of the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe, in this epic call-to-action speech recorded at the July 1, 2016 Santa Monica Rally against CA SB277 and vaccine mandates. He tells doctors, journalists and parents to speak up and BE BRAVE and to share the Truth with everyone that vaccines are dangerous and should not be mandated. Produced by Larry Cook Founder and Director of Like this video? Please contribute here: Transcript There’s a lot of heroes standing here today and there’s a reason why we made the movie we made, because we have a crisis. Our children are being…

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