Los Angeles Ordered Indefinite Masking So I Sent A Complaint To The US Dept of Justice

Los Angeles Ordered Indefinite Masking So I Sent A Complaint To The US Dept of Justice – And You Can Too!   As far as I am concerned, requiring healthy people to wear masks indoors and outdoors under the color of law is ludicrous and absolutely violates our rights as citizens of the United States. In a May 3rd, 2020 drop by Qanon, we were pointed to a US Department of Justice federal law that states that elected officials (and others in government) can be held criminally liable for using their official “powers” to deprive citizens of their rights. For me, the straw that broke the camel’s back was when Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti ordered that we must wear a…

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DOCTORS IN BLACK: PLANDEMIC, A GLOBAL PLAN TO TAKE CONTROL OF OUR LIVES, LIBERTY, HEALTH AND FREEOM Get Dr. Mikovits book, Plague of Corruption! Follow Dr. Judy Mikovits on Twitter ABOUT THE FILM. Truth of Doctors – Features scientist, Dr Judy Mikovits PHD. – Humanity is imprisoned by a killer pandemic. People are being arrested for surfing in the ocean and meditating in nature. Nations are collapsing. Hungry citizens are rioting for food. The media has generated so much confusion and fear that people are begging for salvation in a syringe. Billionaire patent owners are pushing for globally mandated vaccines. Anyone who refuses to be injected with experimental poisons will be prohibited from travel, education and work. No, this is…

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Respiratory Doctor Blows Whistle On COVID-19 Bogus Numbers & Treatments!

Respiratory Doctor Blows Whistle On COVID-19 Bogus Numbers & Treatments! HIGHLIGHTS There’s no shortage of ventilators All patients with respiratory issues are labeled COVID-19 Those who die of any cause, if they have respiratory issues, are labeled to have died of Coronavirus Fake death numbers are being shown to scare people Bodies in trailers are being shown as a way to scare people Noninvasive ventilation is NOT being used when that would be STANDARD PROTOCOL before gong onto a ventilator (why?!) COVID-19 testing is downright fraudulent and completely inaccurate A “positive” result for Coronavirus does not mean someone has COVID-19 “H1N1 was a million times more scary than the COVID-19.” “You cannot vaccinate yourself really for a sinus infection.” There…

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CBD Oil Is A Natural Remedy for PAIN, ANXIETY & SLEEP

CBD Oil Is A Natural Remedy for PAIN, ANXIETY & SLEEP >>> $50 Discount On Calm CBD Oil – Click Here By far one of the biggest threats to the pharmaceutical industry is Cannabidiol or CBD. It’s disrupting the health and wellness industry with safe, natural health solutions that could eliminate the need for pharmaceuticals—and Big Pharma hates it. According to Forbes, the cannabidiol (CBD) market could reach a whopping $20 billion in the next few years, undoubtedly at the expense of the pharmaceutical companies. CBD is hitting Big Pharma where it hurts. Pain Anxiety Depression Poor Sleep Obesity Where it really, really hurts… Big Pharma stands to lose BILLIONS to Mother Nature— and It’s About Time Anti-Inflammatory Drugs—$130 Billion Over-the-counter drugs that…

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Shannon Kroner Is Building A Consensus To Save Religious Freedom

Shannon Kroner Is Building A Consensus To Save Religious Freedom Let’s Help Her & Her Team!   I’ve known Shannon for quite a few years now and I have always admired how she is a doer and simply makes things happen. Take her latest project for example, her 501c3 nonprofit Freedom Of Religion – United Solutions (FOR-US): she is literally uniting leaders from various faiths under one banner and consensus that every parent and every American should have the right to say NO to vaccines and other medical procedures based on their deeply held religious beliefs. And with that she is creating the connections, assets and strategies we need to be able to reject the plans of those who would…

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Pediatrician Lawrence Palevsky Destroys Vaccine Mandate Arguments During CT Testimony

Pediatrician Lawrence Palevsky Destroys Vaccine Mandate Arguments During CT Testimony February 19, 2019 Connecticut Testimony Against HB5044 Original Source Video Dr. Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD TRANSCRIPT Madam Chair: Dr. Larry Palevsky. Is Dr. Larry Palevsky here? Thank you, sir. Dr. Palevsky: Good afternoon and thank you for the opportunity to speak before you. As a medical student starting in 1983, I was taught to critically think and there were a couple of assumptions that we’ve heard today that I’d like to challenge. One of the assumptions that we heard is that high vaccinations protects those vulnerable and it reduces the probability of those people vaccinated to spread the germ to others. Dr. Palevsky: Never once in my 37 years have…

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Autism In Vaccine Free Boy, Antibiotic Culprit, Gut Flora Repair and Recovery

Autism In Vaccine Free Boy, Antibiotic Culprit, Gut Flora Repair and Recovery My son is a twin, he just turned three. He has always been the more sensitive one. He was in the NICU for 9 days after birth with respiratory issues. At 5 months he had a double ear infection, pink eye and a high fever. Against my better judgement I let them give him Tylenol and antibiotics…he had a horrible reaction, after 2 doses I stopped the antibiotics. At 2 years old was when I realized something wasn’t quite right: my son wasn’t talking. Durning the next 9 months he began displaying other symptoms: less eye contact, walking on tip toes, unable to regulate his emotions. He had…

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Mandatory Vaccination Ordered For ALL Children In Samoa

Mandatory Vaccination Ordered For ALL Children In Samoa 12/18/2019 – Originally posted on Facebook by the Savali Newspaper THE “LAW OF LOVE” By Nanai Taofiga Laveitiga Tuiletufuga & RNZ From next month, it will be compulsory for every child in Samoa to be vaccinated against measles when they reach the eligible age of six months. [RNZ] It’s now a binding law, vaccination for any Samoan child from birth is compulsory as prescribed by the Infants Amendment Bill 2019 passed by Parliament yesterday. Calling the Bill – O le Tulafono ole Alofa, (Law of Love) the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi says that Government has decided to have their concerns addressed in and by the highest decision making authority of the…

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Meningitis College Vaccine Causes Seizures and Then Death

Meningitis College Vaccine Causes Seizures and Then Death By Rishanne Golden We lost our precious and vibrant daughter – Haleigh Golden – to a pediatrician recommended vaccine in preparation for college. All of our lives, we unfortunately blindly trusted what we have been told and thought we were protecting our children. Little did we know these neurotoxic vaccines have been continually harming our girls. Tragically, our gorgeous 18 year old began having seizures after receiving the meningitis vaccination and after learning what happened while working in functional/naturopathic medicine, we began a protocol to slowly detox our beautiful Bearcat! Haleigh so wanted to live the life she deserved and she walked with such courage and positivity and choose to utilize a…

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Here Is A Picture Perfect 100% Vaccine-Free HEALTHY Family!

Here Is A Picture Perfect 100% Vaccine-Free HEALTHY Family! So when we were pregnant in 2007 I started the research on whether to vaccinate or not just so I could be informed. Overall I am the type to question everything so I was right in the middle and after exhaustive amounts of research on the vaccines and state law, New Jersey was and still is an ALL or nothing state and the first shot at birth – the HEP B vaccine – made no sense, so we made the choice based on our religious beliefs to forgo all shots for my son first in 2008 and my daughter in 2012. We have had zero issues with the school, some issues…

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Escape California, Vote Republican and How I Pissed Off Anti-Vaxxers

CA SB276 & SB714 Are Now Law, Effectively Ending Medical exemptions In California I predicted this two years ago – see the above screenshots (linked to a post on my facebook timeline). *PISSING OFF ANTI-VAXXERS* Over the last couple of days – while on Facebook – I’ve posted a couple/few dozen posts that have irked and pissed off some anti-vaxxers. But first, a bit of backstory. When senator Pan introduced SB277 and I got involved, my view of the situation was that this was not an isolated incident and rather, it was just the beginning, especially when I took AB2109 into account (Pan’s bill-to-law that required parents to talk to a doctor to get an exemption). So, rather than focus on…

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Fight Vaccine Mandates With These Proven Action Steps

Fight Vaccine Mandates With These Proven Action Steps [LARRY’S NOTE: Yes, we are dealing with CORRUPT politicians, ESPECIALLY THE DEMOCRATS, but that does NOT mean avoiding them. It’s important to exhaust all options, and that DOES include meeting with your elected officials!!!] #FightVaccineMandates – Michelle Maher Ford of the Vaccine-Injury Awareness League gives us a complete rundown on how to fight vaccine mandates by finding your vaccine skeptic tribe, following the National Vaccine Information Center updates, finding your legislators and most importantly, how to communicate with your legislators about vaccine topics (including vaccine injury, vaccine facts and vaccination problems). Find your tribe: Review our Take Action page Join our Facebook group Join our Back-Up Group Get in touch with the National…

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Vaccinated OR Unvaccinated: Who Is Healthier?

Vaccinated OR Unvaccinated: Who Is Healthier? Why does the CDC refuse to run a vaccinated vs unvaccinated health outcomes study? The answer may lie in what the results would be!!! Michelle Maher Ford of the Vaccine-Injury Awareness League gives her view on the health status of vaccinated children and unvaccinated children, and her analysis may shock you! Transcript There’s this myth going around that everybody needs to be fully vaccinated in order for our society to be healthy. And I have a number of things that I wanna say about that. So, number one, nobody promised us a germ-free world . I tend to be on the side now of realizing that we have to coexist with some of these…

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Are Unvaccinated Children A THREAT To Society?!

Are Unvaccinated Children A THREAT To Society?!   Michelle Maher Ford of the Vaccine-Injury Awareness League tackles the most pressing question of our time: are unvaccinated children such a threat to society that they must be force vaccinated? Transcript Unvaccinated children are absolutely not a threat to society. In fact, it’s the total and complete opposite. I know that the media and people in the medical industry, in general, will say, “Oh, my gosh, “these kids are out spreading diseases, “and everyone’s gonna get sick.” But that’s just not the truth. I know it’s anecdotal, but I personally know a number of children that have never been vaccinated. And I, because of my passion in this area, I also know…

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What Makes A Parent An ANTI-VAXXER?!

What Makes A Parent An ANTI-VAXXER?! Michelle Maher Ford of the Vaccine-Injury Awareness League takes a look at the main reasons why parents go vaccine free – to become an anti-vaxxer – and never look back! Do you have questions about vaccines? JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP! Transcript So there’s this myth called anti-vaxxer. I know that there are some people out there that are absolutely positively, no way in Gods green earth, are they ever gonna vaccinate. But I wanna share a few things. The term anti-vaxxer, I think, has been perpetuated by the media to marginalize people. But getting into the deeper issue about that is why is there a group of people that don’t vaccinate? So, I have…

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Facebook Threatens SMV Group Shut Down Over Pix Of Vaccine Injured Children

  Facebook Threatens SMV Group Shut Down Over Pix Of Vaccine Injured Children Over the last several days my Facebook Group, Stop Mandatory Vaccination, has received two strikes against it for “child nudity and sexual exploitation of children.” Another post was sexual exploitation of an adult – which was an auto-flagged post I reviewed and accepted – and if I remember correctly, it was a animated meme of a laughing face or something similar. I say “remember” because anything deemed “sexual” Facebook will NOT show me what it is. And there was another post that I do not remember what the issue was, which brings the total number of violations to four. At three violations I received the warning that…

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How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor

How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor   Michelle Maher Ford of the Vaccine-Injury Awareness League wants parents to be empowered to raise their children without running to the doctor for every sniffle. She recommends Dr. Mendelsohn’s book, How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor, which you can get right here: https://amzn.to/2XXE9PQ Want to support Michelle’s advocacy efforts? Join the her nonprofit’s Amazon Smile Program! Get Vaccine Educated! Find a book that’s right for you! Video Transcript Nobody knows your child the way that you do, and I wanna empower you that you have everything that you need in your instinct to raise a healthy, happy child. In our world today, it…

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Shattered Dreams: The HPV Vaccine Exposed

Latest book exposing the Dangers of the HPV Vaccine is now available   BUY THE BOOK ON AMAZON: https://amzn.to/2RRpuAo It is a documented fact that since the introduction of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in 2006, more adverse reactions have been reported than with any other vaccine. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) VigiAccess database, as of August 13, 2018, there had been a total of 84,986 reports of adverse reactions filed. These reports included 37,249 reports of nervous system disorders; 2514 reported cardiac disorders, including 35 cardiac arrests; 542 reports of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS); over 3000 reports of seizures or epilepsy; 8430 reports of syncope; and 401 reported deaths. These statistics are increasing every day and…

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