Shannon Kroner Is Building A Consensus To Save Religious Freedom

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Shannon Kroner Is Building A Consensus To Save Religious Freedom

Let’s Help Her & Her Team!


I’ve known Shannon for quite a few years now and I have always admired how she is a doer and simply makes things happen. Take her latest project for example, her 501c3 nonprofit Freedom Of Religion – United Solutions (FOR-US): she is literally uniting leaders from various faiths under one banner and consensus that every parent and every American should have the right to say NO to vaccines and other medical procedures based on their deeply held religious beliefs. And with that she is creating the connections, assets and strategies we need to be able to reject the plans of those who would destroy our medical and religious freedom. She always seems to be in the right place at the right time to make the connections with who she needs to make them with.

She is Divinely Guided!

For example, she was in Washington DC last week and here is what happened…

(By Shannon)
FOR-US just spent the last week in Washington DC attending CPAC, educating legislators and media outlets on the importance of honoring our First Amendment Right of Religious Freedom and the need to protect religious vaccine exemptions.

I interviewed with several media outlets while at CPAC and shared an Initiative Letter asking President Trump for an Executive Order to protect religious vaccine exemptions.

Media sources I spoke with included Next News Network, The Epoch Times, Breitbart News, Talkline with Zev Brenner, and The Jennifer Bukowsky Show. I also met Vice President Pence, and hand delivered the Initiative Letter to US Representatives Paul, Cruz, Sasse, Romney, Rosen, and Graham. We also spent time speaking with actor Stephen Baldwin and discussing his concerns regarding the new vaccine mandate laws that have hit residence in New York.

Listen to my phone interview with Church and State: Christian Political Talk Show. Watch interview of Dr. Shannon Kroner covering the defense of religious exemptions from vaccination.

So what’s next for FOR-US?

March will be a very busy month for FOR-US!

We are heading BACK to Washington DC for two very important meetings. We’ve also been invited to a private event with people VERY close to the President.

First, we will be attending the International Religious Freedom Roundtable to announce to Ambassador Brownback and other important decision makers the final number of signatures collected with the Initiative Letter. As of today, we have close to 40,000 signatures. We’re excited to announce that we’ve extend the signature deadline to March 7, 2020.

Next, FOR-US, First Freedoms and Conscience Coalition will be attending a very important meeting behind closed doors in which FOR-US will be flying in several religious leaders to discuss the many ways in which vaccine mandates infringe upon our First Amendment rights of religious freedom.

FOR-US has offered to cover travel expenses (plane tickets, train tickets, gas (if driving), and hotel accommodations) for all of our religious leaders attending the meeting. Please donate to help us cover the costs of travel for our religious leaders and further our mission to protect religious freedom and a parents choice regarding medical decisions for their children.

Lastly, FOR-US has been invited to a small, private event with people VERY close to President Trump.

FOR-US Executive Director, Dr. Shannon Kroner, will have the opportunity to network and educate those who are in direct contact with the President.

Please help us raise $25,000 before March 11.

Shannon is doing exceptional work for our movement and she has a few very dedicated people working with her on this (including Laira and Jennifer). Without dismissing the work of the many other activists in this movement, I believe Shannon’s efforts to be of the utmost importance right now and to be some of the most valuable right now.

However, Shannon does need FUNDING!

If you are of means, please consider a very generous donation – $1,000, $2,500, $10,000, etc. Donations are tax deducatable.

Of course, whatever your financial picture is, all donations are welcome and helpful.

I support Shannon and her efforts 100% and I hope you will as well.

>>> You can DONATE right here at her fundraiser.

Or donate at Shannon’s FOR-US Website.

Thank you!

Larry Cook


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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook