Stop California AB 659 The Evil HPV Vaccine Mandate Bill For Children & Teens

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Stop California AB 659 The Evil HPV Vaccine Mandate Bill For Children & Teens

The Satanic Democrats are at it again in California: they want to destroy our youth with the extremely dangerous injury and death causing HPV Vaccine by mandating it in order to attend school.

Download This 4 Page Info Sheet To Give To Legislators:

>>> Gardasil Handout

Why Vote NO on AB 659

• Gardasil, manufactured and marketed by Merck, received fast-tracked FDA approval, leaving many unanswered questions about its safety and efficacy.

• The integrity of Merck’s studies of Gardasil have been called into question by numerous members of the scientific community.

• Whether Gardasil prevents cancer (not to mention lifetime immunity) is unproven because the studies were not designed to test this hypothesis.

• The risk of developing cancer from HPV is extremely rare.

• Gardasil can cause serious and debilitating adverse reactions, including but not limited to a myriad of autoimmune diseases, autonomic dysfunction, including postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and orthostatic intolerance (OI), premature ovarian failure (POF, which can cause infertility), Guillain-Barre syndrome, encephalopathy, and other serious injuries, including death.

• Hundreds of young women and men across the United States are filing lawsuits against the manufacturer of Gardasil (Merck) claiming Gardasil caused them to suffer serious life altering side effects, including death.

• Several cases are pending in various California state courts, and the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation recently consolidated all federally filed Gardasil cases before one judge in North Carolina.

• The US government Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out over $70 million dollars in damages for Gardasil-induced injuries and deaths.

• The potential and hypothetical benefits of Gardasil do not outweigh its risks.

• For those with an active HPV infection when vaccinated, studies have shown up to a 44.6% increased risk of developing advanced abnormal pre-cancer cells or worse.

Assembly Bill 659, AKA the “Cancer Prevention Act” would require all 8th through 12th grade students in California to be vaccinated with GARDASIL, a vaccine that has not been proven to prevent cancer and has many serious and documented risks.

California Assembly Bill 659, also known as the “Cancer Prevention Act,” seeks to add the vaccine Gardasil to the list of vaccines required to attend school in California for children in grades 8 to 12.The bill was introduced on February 9, 2023, by Assembly members Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D, HD-4), Blanca Rubio (D, HD-48), Laura Friedman (D, HD-43), Ash Kalra (D, HD-27), Liz Ortega (D, HD-20), Diane Papan (D, HD-21)), Wendy Carillo (D, HD-51), and Senator Scott Wiener (D, HD-11).

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The bill may be heard in committee as early as March 14, 2023.


SEARCH “HPV” on this website to read horrifying HPV vaccine injury stories!

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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook