Child Masking Is Harmful, Unnecessary, Cruel and Should End Immediately Experts Say In New Video

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Child Masking Is Harmful, Unnecessary, Cruel and Should End Immediately Experts Say In New Video

In a newly released thirty-five-minute video presentation created by medical freedom activist Larry Cook of Stop Mandatory Vaccination and COVID-19 Refusers, multiple experts – including Dr. Mark McDonald, MD and Dr. Jeff Barke, MD of America’s Frontline Doctors – state unequivocally that masking children is ineffective, physically harmful, psychologically damaging and that parents should stop doing it immediately.

The video presentation gives a detailed look at some simple truths about COVID and children: healthy children are not dying from COVID, there are numerous non-vaccine natural and pharmaceutical treatments that prevent injury and death from COVID infection, asymptomatic children do not spread COVID, masks do not stop COVID or other virus transmission, masks cause learning difficulties in school and other settings, and masks cause real world physical and psychological harm to children.

Cook says, “I was so dismayed at seeing children masked outside – when there wasn’t even an outdoor mask mandate, no less – that I decided I had to do something to help parents understand that they are truly harming their children with those masks. So, I found multiple experts willing to be video interviewed on the topic and put together a persuasive presentation based on facts and real-world data proving that – for the health and sanity of children – they should never be masked.”

The video presentation flows in a logical progression of information with Dr. McDonald and Dr. Barke giving statistical, clinical, scientific, and study-based information while the other experts and several parents give supplemental and relevant information on the negative consequences of child masking.

The video presentation is posted on where viewers can also read The Mask Report, an in-depth and detailed review of why masking children is not only unnecessary, but also harmful, complete with links to scientific or official sources used to create the damning report.

Child Psychiatrist Dr. McDonald says, “We’ve known for over a year that children are essentially unaffected in any real meaningful way by this viral pandemic, and for that reason, there is no need to place any additional protective measures on them such as mandatory or even optional mask wearing.”

Cook says, “I’ve been banned by YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, GoFundMe, Mailchimp, Pinterest, Vimeo and other Big Tech platforms for speaking out against vaccine mandates. Since I’m no longer allowed to be a truth teller on the major social media platforms, I decided to put my energy into this project so that parents can finally get the truth they need to make an educated decision about the harmful practice of child masking. I believe that parents who watch the entire presentation will no longer mask their children – it’s that powerful and convincing.”

You can watch the video presentation at and then share the website and video with friends and family to help put an end to one of the most egregious institutionalized child abuse scandals of our century: child masking.

Unmask Your Child

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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook