Chiropractor Witnesses Normal Children Be Injured By Vaccines and Vaccination

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Chiropractor Witnesses Normal Children Be Injured By Vaccines

Dr. Greg Cartmell, DC has been a practicing Chiropractor for over 20 years and has witnessed patients of his go from normal to vaccine injured after routine vaccination. In his video interview he shares the story of a child who was normal, engaged and healthy and then after vaccination was diagnosed with Autism. He suggests that all parents thoroughly research the dangers and efficacy of vaccination before deciding whether or not to vaccinate.

Produced by Larry Cook
Founder and Director of
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As a chiropractor, one of the greatest professions in the world I think, I have been practicing for close to 20 years now. Just recently, I’d been more aware of the vaccination controversies going on and been more aware clinically about what I’ve seen. It’s frightening to me. As a clinician, on a day-to-day basis, I educate my patients on health and maintaining health and preventative health and to be clear with families and be clear with the parents in making informed choices about vaccinating their children. It’s very important to me. I’ve seen some tragedies, I’ve seen before and afters. About 6 years ago, I had a patient come in with her daughter who was just vibrant, bouncing off the walls, perhaps 2 at the time, and just very sweet and loving and accepting my adjustments, the whole family. She received her boosters. I hadn’t seen them in about 6 months, and she had developed autism, full blown autism to where she had to go to a speech therapist. She was afraid of me; whereas, before, she was very smiling and calm and bright and talkative, and she was afraid of me. It was disheartening, to say the least. It was almost as if the light switch had flipped off on her.

I told her mom, I said, “I would like to continue to still adjust you, adjust your child and see if we can make some progress with her.” It was just almost too hard to have her contained on the table, but we did. After I adjusted her upper cervical area, it seemed like it gave her some, whatever, a relief and it calmed her down a little bit. Then I hadn’t seen them in a while and we tried again. They came in about a year later and we tried again. It was just too much for her to contain her child in the office. Unfortunately, they never returned with her. Just recently, I had a little boy come in, working on his neck area, he’s clicking and popping in his neck and jaw. Again, maybe 6 years old, 6 or 7, came in, I started working on him. He was very responsive, loved the chiropractic. He came in one day with his folks because his folks were getting adjusted as well, and he seemed off. He seemed like he was staring off into space, comatose. They had to explain that he just came from the pediatrician and gotten a booster shot.

It was clear that something had taken place. It was just hard to describe other than just comatose. He seemed to snap out of it as I was adjusting his parents. I asked him what had happened and, “Oh, he’d gotten his booster shot and he’s okay now.” It was just very, very hard to believe the difference in these children, and it’s disheartening. If you’re a parent, I strongly urge you to please do your research. Look at both sides. I urge you to look at vaccination injury and the stats on that and look into the ingredients and look into the reasons why they think they need to do a vaccination schedule as they propose.

Larry: If you like this video, please hit the Like button. If you have any questions or comments, please post in the comments section. If you want to see more videos like this, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. If you have any questions about vaccines or vaccination or vaccine mandates, please head on over to our website, Thank you so much for your support. Until next time.


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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook