Brave Mom Exposes Vaccine Corruption To WA Board of Health

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Brave Mom Exposes Vaccine Corruption To WA Board of Health

Bernadette Pajer of Informed Choice Washington gave the WA Board of Health a lashing for its complicity in the vaccine industry’s plan to force vaccinate every man, woman and child on this planet. This is a MUST WATCH VIDEO!!! And, please share!


We, the parents and doctors and professionals of Informed Choice Washington have been attempting to bring the latest science on vaccines and discoveries about the human immune system to the various public health agencies of Washington State, especially to the Department of Health. In doing so, we thought we would be beginning a genuine discussion that would lead to change that would align vaccination policy with known vaccine limitations and risks and unintended consequences to protect individuals and the public.

Instead, we have discovered a network of government and drug industry entanglement so complex and so richly funded, they form a pervasive, tightly woven fabric consisting of literally thousands of groups, all working together toward just one thing: increasing vaccination uptake. And that fabric includes those working in public health at the Department of Health.

Since 1999, AIM, the Association of Immunization Managers, has been in close collaboration with the drug industry. In 2002, AIM’s Memo of Understanding set forth a policy of information sharing between state health departments and pharmaceutical representatives and lobbyists.

According to their memo, in every state and territory in the U.S., and I quote, “health departments will accommodate “and allow for information sharing “between their programs and the pharmaceutical companies. “Such sharing may be through individual meetings, “educational seminars, or electronic communication, “like telephone and email.” They partner on projects, review each other’s communications and hold annual meetings together and most of it is paid by the pharmaceutical companies. While we, the general public and concerned parents, are limited to three or five minutes of public testimony, drug companies are given access to the Department of Health information, given opportunities to have meetings and seminars and phone calls.

We submit pages and pages of recent, peer-reviewed, published scientific data revealing that the information posted on the Department of Health website and the materials they distribute are in critical need of editing and updating to keep the public safe, no matter what their vaccination choice, and we are ignored. Worse, our efforts to improve safety, to improve informed consent and to protect medical freedom are looked at with disdain, with eye-rolling, and with drug industry-funded education of Department of Health immunization employees.

Showing them, in their last conference in June, how they can legally lobby and press for their agenda, and their agenda includes the elimination of all non-medical exemptions. At the July 19th Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting, Dr. Doug Opel was invited to present on vaccine hesitancy and to provide advice on approaches providers can use to compel a hesitant parent or patient into being vaccinated.

It is unethical and completely out of the scope of Department of Health’s work to go beyond the general recommendations on vaccination and step into the middle of the doctor-patient relationship. It is unethical and outside the scope of DOH’s work to teach doctors how to convince and coerce their patients instead of encouraging them to understand their patients’ individual risks and give them the information needed to exercise fully informed medical consent.

Michelle Roberts is Washington state’s Director of Immunization and she is now Chair-Elect of AIM, the Association of Immunization Managers. At the conference in June, she and two others from our own DOH were taught how to, oh I think I already read that. Oh, so she was shown a list of informed consent, medical freedom and health advocates, people like me, as if we are her enemies and they are told, quote “they are facing a tightly coordinated effort.” People like me using tactics such as, gasp, visiting our elected officials and attending public meetings today. They consider this a tactic, to exercise my American right to speak to you all.

Michelle Roberts and every single immunization program head in every single state has a mission to remove our human right to medical choice, to silence the very real risks and limitations of vaccines and they are doing so with the full support, collaboration and education of Pfizer and Merck and GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi and Danavex, Dynavax, AstraZeneca and Seqirus, who were all there at the conference in June.

This must stop. We are asking you, Secretary Wiesman, for a meeting to discuss this very critical issue. Thank you.

– Thank Mrs. Pager.

Click here for the source video

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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook