VIDEO: These Parents Researched and Will Never Vaccinate Their Healthy, Vibrant Children

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VIDEO: These Parents Researched and Will Never Vaccinate Their Healthy, Vibrant Children


In this compelling video these parents share how and why they choose not to vaccinate their children, starting with their Hepatitis B vaccine research findings and then moving into other aspects of vaccination that caused them to question both the safety and efficacy of vaccination. They share in detail how bright, healthy and strong their toddler is and why being vaccine free is the best choice for him, and also their 9-week-old newborn. If you have questions about vaccine safety, vaccine efficacy, vaccine injury or why natural immunity is far superior to vaccination, watch this video and check out the resources below. If you could only purchase one item below, I would suggest reading Vaccines: A Reappraisal by Dr. Moskowitz – an MD with 50 years clinical experience – because he makes it very plain and simple why vaccination is dangerous, the cover-up in the medical industry and why natural immunity is the best and healthiest choice for our children.

Copyright © 2018 Larry Cook

The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers
Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe
Vaccines: A Reappraisal
Vaccine Injury and Death Stories
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An adjuvant is a substance that is added to a vaccine to increase the body’s immune response to the vaccine, but which can also cause disastrous health problems or death.


– – My husband and I came to the conclusion not to vaccinate. First once he did research into foods when his grandfather had cancer, it really led us to learn that food is really the key to your health. And that kind of veered us towards vaccines. Once we learned about different adjuvants that caused reactions, it definitely gave us a reason to do further research to see if it was something for our children, which we learned would not be for our children.

– As I was doing my research, we started with the Hep B and I noticed some red flags in my research of that, just off the get go of that it’s a blood-transmitted disease so that in itself made me think about well what is the risk of my child getting Hepatitis B when I don’t have Hepatitis B and my wife doesn’t have Hepatitis B? So that was probably the first big red flag, just an easy one to get to when I first started researching the Hepatitis B vaccine. And then so at that point, I was able to talk to my wife and we at least got on the same page of we were gonna look at each vaccine, what it prevented, and what risks we can find associated with that vaccine.

– So once we started with the CDC and the EPA and learned about the contradictory information, we then did more research into personal stories. I was a little bit younger but my cousin, who used to be a quote/unquote, a normal, healthy child at one point just kinda stopped and she became completely different [after vaccination]. She didn’t like to be touched or held, embraced in any way. She became socially awkward, something that’s completely different from her. So I knew of that personal experience and then my husband and I looked into other experiences where children were vaccine injured. And parents immediately knew, right after their child received shots that their child was different.

– There’s a trail of bread crumbs out there if you do your research about vaccines and to find it. And start with the Hepatitis B and work on those red flags and then that leads you to learn how the vaccines aren’t tested the same way that any of your other pharmaceuticals are tested. They don’t have double-blind and triple-blind tests. They’re fast-tracked through the system.

– Our toddler is so healthy and so happy. He is your typical rambunctious two-and-a-half-year old. He is so smart. In fact, his vocabulary is so large, you kind of forget you’re speaking to a two-and-a-half-year old. An example is when he left daycare, his daycare lady was so sad because she said although all of the kids were around the same age, she could actually have a conversation with Lucas, whereas the other kids weren’t either as verbal or verbal at all.

What is that? This picture. – Ice. – Good job. – Good job. Pen, okay, let’s move them over so we can build new ones.

He’s so strong, and just so strong-minded and intelligent. His memory is something that’s quite remarkable. I mean, he’ll remember something from months ago and even myself, I have to remind myself what he’s talking about but he’s spot on. He doesn’t experience any allergies. He doesn’t have seizures. You know, he’s very bright eyed. He likes eye contact and is very affectionate and loving. He’s just, he’s a joy.

– And then we have our eight-and-a-half and nine-week old and he is as healthy as can be. He was born six weeks early, six weeks premature, needed a lil’ assistance with his lungs and he came home in less than two weeks. And he’s been growing like a champion ever since. He’s almost, I think he’s nine pounds, six ounces now. So couldn’t be happier with his growth and his health and his strength, for sure.

– We are not concerned about our child catching a disease that you would prevent happening with a vaccination. It’s not to say that we’re not concerned it would happen. We’re just not concerned if it happens. We know that the likelihood of it happening is very low and if it does happen, typically speaking, majority of these diseases that we’re trying to prevent can be treated with antibiotics or take care of themselves after time.

– For an infection, basically we’re gonna try to boost the immune system, so we’d use the same kinda things that we’re using for preventative maintenance. And I would boost those. I would increase his water intake. I would increase his vitamin C, increase his elderberry, and try to flush whatever that infection he has going on in there out of his body and let his body work it out the way that it’s supposed to.

– I 100% believe that being vaccine-free is right for our children. They have strong immune systems that are not compromised by the adjuvants in vaccines. So we are definitely confident that they will continue to be strong, healthy children. And if they were to get one of these diseases we would know how to take care of them because we are educated on that as well.

– I 100% believe that my children are gonna be stronger, healthier, more alert, more productive, being vaccine free. – If you’re a parent on the fence about vaccination, I suggest you look into the book The Unvaccinated Child. That gives you great resources itself to learn what it is to be an unvaccinated child and what it takes to maintain your healthy immune system so that you don’t have to be in fear of getting one of these diseases.

Also, is an excellent resource. I definitely suggest the movie Vaxxed. That gives you a great look into different families, whether their children were vaccinated and have vaccine injuries or families that are not vaccinated and happy, healthy people.

– And hit the ball with the bat. – Yeah. – Yeah. – And the bat. – Bat. – Yeah. – Good job.

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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook