PARENTS: Watch Vaccines Revealed For FREE – An Explosive 9-Part Series Featuring 24 Vaccine Experts

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PARENTS: Watch Vaccines Revealed For FREE – An Explosive 9-Part Series Featuring 24 Vaccine Experts

REPLAY WEEKEND BEGINS AT 6PM PST December 8! Watch all 9 episodes this weekend!


A Free Online Event November 28 – December 7, 2017
This explosive 9-part series featuring over two dozen experts is a must watch series for every parent, medical professional, elected official and concerned citizen. In this series you’ll hear multiple experts share how and why vaccines are dangerous, why they don’t offer the “protection” claimed and why our children are better off without them. BEFORE YOU ALLOW ANOTHER TOXIC VACCINATION, WATCH THIS SERIES!

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EPISODE 1: Andrew Wakefield, Gary Goldman, Toni Bark
The Autism/Vaccine Connection, Chickenpox, Unknown Dangers of Vaccines

EPISODE 2: Suzanne Humphries, Sayer Ji, Mary Holland
The overview of vaccines and the history of vaccine use, General Vaccine information, Legal Vaccine Overview, The Vaccine Court

EPISODE 3: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Scott and Melissa Miller
The Anthrax Vaccine and its devastation on our military, Mercury in Vaccines – Thimerosal

EPISODE 4: Brian Hooker, Dawn Loughborough, Sara Bridges
Autism, Vaccine Injury, Political Activism, CDC Fraud

EPISODE 5: James Chestnut, Kelly Brogan, Sayer Ji, Gary Goldman, Stephanie Seneff
Aluminum, Gardasil, Flu Vaccine, Vaccine and Big Pharma Fraud

EPISODE 6: Brian Hooker
Vaccine Injury, Fraud, Aluminum & Mercury, Autism Epidemic

EPISODE 7: Sherri Tenpenny, Patrick Gentempo, Gayle DeLong
Fraud/Corruption, Flu Vaccine, Vaccine Safety, Financial Conflict of Interest, National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

EPISODE 8: Brian Hooker
CDC guidelines and cover-ups, Vaccine Science and Realities, Vaccine Schedule, Autism Connection

EPISODE 9: Sayer Ji, Brian Hooker, Jack and Heather Wolfson, Dan Pompa
Vaccine Solutions

EPISODE 10: 3-hour bonus – when you purchase the series!!!
• The Gardasil Vaccine
• The status of “non-vaccinators” and herd immunity
• The “Virus of Fear”
• The National Vaccine Information Center & “Informed Consent”
• What a Professor discovered about the immune system
• The unintended experiment caused by vaccines
• Creating vaccines for diseases that are NOT fatal, but merely inconvenient
• The importance of Motherly Instinct – and vaccine exemptions
• Your Legal rights, due process and the human rights issue






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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook