Find A Vaccine Free Doctor

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Find A Vaccine Free Doctor

Why A Vaccine Free Doctor?
More and more parents are opting to refuse vaccination because the risk of injury is high and there is little to no benefit to being injected with poison. Pediatricians are now being forced by insurance companies to vaccinate all children in their practice and/or are deciding to fire patients who do not vaccinate. Parents sometimes don’t know who to turn to in the medical field for their children’s needs, which is why I created this page. Also, keep this in mind: “well baby visits” are first and foremost for the purposes of vaccination – all else is secondary. Many parents never go to “well baby visits” because their child is healthy. That said, I do believe it is a good idea to have a primary care doctor at your disposal for if the need arises.

I also recommend that ALL PARENTS purchase the book, The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers because the two naturopathic doctor authors give very clear guidance on how to overcome all childhood illness without toxic drugs and procedures.

Alternative Doctor Types
There are many types of doctors who are qualified to see children, including: Integrative Medical Doctor (MD) Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO), Naturopathic Doctor (ND), Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc), Chiropractor (DC) and Homeopath (unlicensed). Not all alternative doctors are against vaccines, mind you, but many are. The point is, do not limit your search to only pediatricians when you are searching for a vaccine free doctor. I give an in-depth explanation of the different kinds of doctors in my book, The Beginner’s Guide to Natural Living.

How To Find A Vaccine Free Doctor
If you are on an insurance plan, are low income and your pediatrician fired you, you might be able to see an general medicine MD or DO within your insurance plan. That would be your first action step. Many alternative doctors are cash only, but not all. With that in mind, here are some ways to find a vaccine free doctor:

1) Do an Internet search using doctor modality plus city or state: “naturopathic doctor Seattle”, “integrative medical doctor Seattle”, “homeopath Iowa”, “chiropractor Eugene” and so on. Like I said, not all doctors are vaccine free, so you will want to look at their websites and see what they say and narrow your list to then call and ask questions. Chiropractors, Acupuncturists and Homeopaths are not allowed to give vaccinations, but in some states, Naturopathic Doctors are allowed to. With this in mind, I have found that NDs who graduated from NCNM are more likely to not support vaccination, so take a look at their bio to see the schooling.

Click Here To Find A Vaccine Free Naturopathic Doctor:

For California & Santa Barbara area or Arizona, consider Regenerate Health Medical Center.

2) Look at the association websites for alternative doctors. You might google “integrative medical doctor association” or “acupuncturist association Oregon” or “naturopathic association Texas” for example, and virtually all associations have member directories. Members can often be located by zip code search.

3) Here is a website to review that offers vaccine free or vaccine friendly doctor lists: VACLIB

Vaccines are destroying our children at an unprecedented rate (Autism alone is 1 in 36) and it behooves us to find educated doctors who will not bully or otherwise advocate that parents must vaccinate their children.

4) For New Jersey and New York, take a look at Baker Health (referred to me by a patient of theirs).

5) A documentary released in February 2018 called REAL IMMUNITY and the creator, a classical homeopath, gives a full understanding as to why natural immunity is not only better than vaccination, but most definitely PREFERRED. This is a must see and must own documentary.


Children can be exempted from vaccine requirements fairly easily in 45 states and with much more difficultly in 4 states. In California, it’s impossible to get any kind of exemption and the only two options left are to homeschool or move out of state. To learn about vaccine exemptions, go to the National Vaccine Information Center and select your state to find out the process.

Vaccine Exemptions for 2024 School


All Other States


I own The Unvaccinated Child and I recommend it for every vaccine free parent!!! It is an absolute gem and a must-have book for your library. It is much cheaper than a doctor’s visit and is written by two doctors! It really covers everything for treating a sick child! ~ Larry Cook  CLICK HERE TO BUY

The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers

A Must-Have Book For Every Parent!

Feel free to leave a comment below.





  1. If you can’t find a pediatrician – just take your child to a GP. GP’s can handle standard childhood issues (broken bones,..) and you’ll probably have less than most kids. Happy to help those who need help writing faith based letters to support their exempti’ns. to reach me.

  2. Great advice. As a former holistic chiropractor kinesiologist, I know who the “real doctors” are. Natural medicine is true medicine.

  3. Hello,

    My name is Isabela and i live in Albuquerque NM with my husband and baby who is now 17 months.
    Im looking for a doctor in my area who accepts non vaxxers. I’ve called several pediatricians and they all have denied me because of my UN-wanting of vaccination. Please help.

    • I would suggest looking up a homeschool group and ask if any of the parents can recommend a Dr that allows un-vaccinated in practice.

  4. Good Morning

    My name is Amar Kerchit and I live in Melrose Massachusetts with my wife Kahina and new born baby boy Ali Zachariah.

    I am looking for a Pediatrician in Massachusetts if you can help me find one. I went to 3 Doctors and each one of them stopped seeing my son once they tried to force us to inject him with vaccines and we said let us think about this. The last Dr., though was very rude and unprofessional he made us feel guilty of ” Murder” and asked us : ” Where are you from” as if people who are from where we are from originally don’t have a mind ( Algeria North Africa). He then went on and on about why vaccines are good an necessary and that the CDC Schedule is perfect and that your son will be safe. He kept on referring to my son as a she, and this shows he lack of interest and that all some Doctors care about is the mighty dollar and the best way to try to sell as many gizmos as possible to their patients including injecting your kids ( mind you Not his or the State ) with vaccines that have had adverse side effects on countless now damaged children throughout the USA.

    Please can you help us find a vaccine friendly doctor in our area in Massachusetts?
    Thank you so much for your help

    • Here is a website for each state that have doctors that may give you an exemption.

    • Hi I was sent to the family practice in Malden on canal street, I am seeing Tia Tucker and so far no issues, I told 2 doctors there where I stand plus a nurse, the nurse who is Muslim told me I just need to keep affirming it’s my religious beliefs and that must be respected.

      • Thanks for posting this! Currently looking for pediatrician for my 2 month old son. Did Dr Tia question you why no vaccines? I’m sick and tired of being questioned. My sons current Dr told us that if we dont vaccinate, we need to go somewhere else. I am Muslim so maybe the nurse will be understanding

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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook